𝚇𝚇𝙸𝙸𝙸) 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚜

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Am I worth it?

┌━━━━━━┐Am I worth it? └━━━━━━┘

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Haneul's point of view➩

I was standing Infront of all 6 members, Seokjin Hyung was standing beside me. He then put his hand on my shoulder and squeeze it, maybe telling everything's gonna be fine. Then he sat beside Jeongguk.

"Haneul you said you wanted to say something?"

I looked at Jin hyung and nodded.

"Um I'm back let's work hard together. Thank you."

I bowed and took my suitcase moving my ways to the room. Then Namjoon Hyung spoke.

"Wait that's it? Hyung you said she will apologize for her ill behaviour?"

"Yes she said. Hani?"

I turned around to look at them. Why did I said this to him? The fact that my egoistic ass can't apologize. I smiled and spoke.

"I did no mistake though? Like I did mistake and i realised boom I'm back yay."

What the hell am I talking about? I squeezed my eyes in regret but then I heard Hobi hyung, Jiminie Hyung and Taehyung laughing so loud. Following them Seokjin Hyung, Namjoon Hyung and Jeongguk also started to laugh.

My face is funny?

I was standing there confused looking at their faces, waiting for them to stop and tell. Then Jimin Hyung spoke.

"She is so cute oh god. I can't with her."

Then Hoseok Hyung spoke.

"I want to seriously pinch her cheeks."

He then came and started to poke my cheeks with his fingers and immediately embraced me. What's happening?

Then Namjoon Hyung spoke.

"Nothing Cutie Hani you were looking like a baby that's why we went in awe."

I'm not a freaking baby? Hell I'm not. I frowned my eyebrows and I didn't realise I was pouting making them go crazy again. That's it I was loosing all my patience. I got out of Hoseok Hyung's hug and ran straight to our room.

Me? Baby? I'm a hip-hopper. I threw myself on my bed and closed my eyes. I took a relieving breathe out. I came back before everything was about to get out of hand.


Next day, we have an important schedule. We have a pre debut interview and we were all pumped up for this. This was my first time and I was super nervous. We went to the location and I saw Namjoon Hyung looking at us and mouthing "we can do it." We all nodded and mouthed "fighting".

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