JoJos Bizarre Adventures Part 8 OC

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Name: Neo Brando

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Kei or Open

Likes: Animals, the sky, his stand, getting revenge, watching bad people suffer, the memories of his friends, his little brother, reading, dinosaurs, learning about drugs and medicine, etc

Dislikes: His family (minus his sister and brother), Joshu, Josuke (because he doesn't know how to reverse its effects and get Kira and Josefumi back,), idiots, annoying people, snakes, rock people, liars, addiction, people who have no empathy, etc

Personality: He is a very brash and cold person to those he doesn't know or trust, but he will always repay his debts, he respects those who are true to their words and straightforward. He wants to change and become a better person though and become a doctor. But with those he trusts and cares for he'll do whatever it takes for them and tries to joke with them or see if he can make them smile.



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Tattoos: He has a Roman numeral of 1 on his left arm, a peace sign on his right arm, and a star on his neck to honor those he lost

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Tattoos: He has a Roman numeral of 1 on his left arm, a peace sign on his right arm, and a star on his neck to honor those he lost.

Accessories: He has a silver king ring on his right pointer finger and a black cross necklace on his neck

Strengths: He's a very good fighter and knows his stand well, speaks three languages (Italian, English, and Japanese), isn't afraid to get hurt and work by himself, he has very little to lose, etc

Weaknesses: Is not good working with others he doesn't know, doesn't like being social with people, he can be brash. His little brother, etc

Family: Diavolo Brando (father and great grandson of Dio Brando) Maria Una (mother), Donna Una (sister) Doppio Brando (Half brother) Diego Brando (great great grandfather)

Stand: Purple Haze

Stand Abilities: Similar to part 5 Purple Haze can create powerful gas but it can change. It can range from a powerful poison to something like laughing gas. He can change the gas to have multiple effects but he must have some experience with the gas in order to have this work. For example he has experience with stimulants so he can create a stimulating gas or a pain killer gas he can make it. But he can only use the ability six times in one day hence the pods. It does show his violent side as my OC has a lot of internal anger and regret but the more he accepts himself and lets his anger out in a positive way the stronger his stand will become and control how the gas affects people

Stand Stats:


Backstory: Neo ever since he was a boy had a tough life. He was born from the assault of his mother from his father who was a priest in the church. His mother was born to immigrant parents in America. She hated Neo seeing him as a reason of hatred as her parents refused to believe that a man or God would ever do such harm to someone and believed she was sleeping around and cheated on her husband. Her husband divorced her and ever since she harbored nothing but hatred against her son. Even after he was born the only one who truly took care of him and looked after him was his sister Donna Una. She taught him how to walk and help speak multiple languages though he sucks at writing in anything but English. They left America when he was 8 to go to Japan for a job. When he was around 10 his sister died from a mysterious illness that could've had treatment but they didn't have enough money. He felt terrible and that the person he loved the most was gone. After about a year he developed a lot of anger and hatred for those around him since he felt that the only one who could accept him was gone. It wasn't until he was 11 did he see someone beating up a young kid and he couldn't take it. He started wailing on the guys near him. The guy looked worse as if something was by him almost as if something else was helping him fight. He helped the make up. It was Josefumi Kujo. Josefumi ended up being rather kind and wanted to hang out. Neo not seeing anything better to do ended up joining Josefumi in hanging. He saw they had a lot in common, both desiring a place to belong and having an absentee mother and father who isn't there and that's how he met Yoshikage Kira. Originally he didn't like Kira and thought he was bizarre. But with further understanding and seeing their stands he knew he found friends he could truly belong too and even with Kira's help he started to study and become a doctor hoping to do good in his life similar to how his sister gave him hope in life. He also met Holly Joestar and truly felt what it was like to have a mom when he was around her. When Kira heard of what the rocacaca fruit can do he helped the other two trying to secure it and work on bringing it to Holly. But sadly he was also a victim of Vitamin C and couldn't do anything as he and his friends were being tortured. He was close to giving up the rocacaca fruit until Kira helped to destroy the boat. He swam with Josefumi trying to help but didn't know what to do. He was panicking and scared as he saw what Josefumi. He tried to stop him but Josefumi only asked him to leave and take what little knowledge and some of the fruit away to make sure the rock people couldn't get to it. He did so wanting to preserve this but couldn't help but think of himself as a coward and cry as he ran away. He went to Italy for a little bit to lay low and search for any answers about the fruit. It was here he saw his father and learned of what he truly is. Seeing the young women he's hurt and even a child he tried to convince wasn't his made him felt red hot rage. With his stand he helped to paralyze the priest and give his revenge on him. He started to punch and beat up the priest for what he's done and taking out all of his rage and anger on the lecherous man helped him and allowed him an outlet. When he was bloody and beaten he hung the man in an upside down cross fashion as what he calls justice. He even looked and found an orphan who was actually the son of the priest. His mother was a prostitute who abandoned the poor boy and he was raised at an orphanage that was less than adequate. Seeing the boy and how he tried to stay away from the evils he adopted the boy. Telling him that was his brother and that he'll gladly take him away from this to a place where he wouldn't have to worry about anything. He smiled calling the boy his brother and giving him a home taking him back to Morioh with him. He helps the boy learn Japanese and speaks to him in Italian and gets a bit annoyed that the boy has better penmanship than him. When he saw What happened to them and how it made Josuke he only felt more regret and guilt as he fought Gappy calling him a half and half bastard and to give him back his friends. Upon learning everything though and their plan on trying to help Holly Joestar he allied himself while also trying to find a way to see if he can get Kira and Josefumi back.

Other: His hair is originally blonde but he dyes it red. He also says wry when he is angry or distressed, a trait he picked up from Kira and his stand.

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