22nd of April

11 0 0

Well, Hello there

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Well, Hello there...!

I wrote this probably a couple hour before the clock start to ticking at 00:00 on 22th April 2021, it's kinda a lil bit of hurry but, yeahh the fun fact you need to know is, yesterday I suddenly keep in mind something about one day on April. I rushing to check my phone to see the date of it, and i took a deep breath, and fortunately I do some big exhale because that day is 21st April 2021. And then I started to sleep LOL.

Okay so the next day, there's a lot of thing that i should do, started attending some classes, more classes, and I have one meeting in the evening. My heart was race again, because the time is ticking so fast, and I still do nothing to make something for your birthday. I know I'm not making a cake, or give you any present, but you know we far apart. So I do not know what should I treat you. Or maybe I can Go-Food-ing some drinking that you want maybe, let me guess how about chatime? Lemme know what do you want so sip:

a. Hazelnut Milk Tea

b. Caramel Milk Tea

c. Hazelnut Chocolate Milk Tea

(3 option above are is milk tea variant that i really recommend it to you)

(choose one in here: http://bit.ly/ChatimeChoose)

Your Order will arrive maybe before or after iftar, if there is any tardiness don't forget to chat or confirm to diaansst in Line or 081312005125 (Wa)

Okay, let's move on to other section. Well I would like to say dearest and greatest happy birthday to you. I wish you all the best. More wishes you can find in this link: http://bit.ly/Wishes_For_You (if it doesn't working on you phone, try in your pc)

Thank You so much for always be in my side, when I'm in mentally upside down. I never expected that we will making this until now, it's been 15 or 16 month maybe? sorry I'm forgot the exact date. Are we started dating in December isn't it?

Can I say sorry to you, because i cant making a beautiful word for this birthday wishes. U know I just, jj-us-t, ju-ss-t, just CAN'T. Hehehe don't be mad at me. I don't want to sound like cringe.

And then, lately I am literally very freaking slow respond, seem to be disappear. It's just a tough time, and line is such an tired app. Because when i open my Line, there's a lot stuff that i must to do. Just for flee away from tiredness a lil bit so I started rarely open Line apps. 

Sorry for not being there in your though time, sorry for not being 24/7 ready. Maybe if you are reading it now, so you just turn out to be 23 year old. Woah congratulation for getting older. I'm so glad that I'm with you rn. You are very funny tho but sometimes u r so annoying. 

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to youu my dear personn. I hope we can celebrate the day like this without the distance. I hope you are not really disappointing to me, because I cant give you any good present or stuff like that, I dunno maybe it's so hard to give you when I cant physically meet you. Not really give any vibes at all. But maybe sooner or later we can.

If you see the candle up there, don't forget to blew it. Just pretending that I'm there sitting in front of you with some birthday chocolate cake. Fingers cross!!!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

Tambahkan cerita ini ke Perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan notifikasi saat ada bab baru!

Twenty Second of AprilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang