Chapter 2 Shadow: Anxiety

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I'm really nervous. I don't want to lose the only true friend I have. The one person that likes to be around me. The one friend that laughs at and with me. The one true friend who knows she might not be in with the Shadow Stalkers. The one true girl who actually knows me. The one true friend who likes and respects me for what I am. On the outside and the inside. I don't want to lose her to another group. I thought fiercely. But it's up to the Cobra not me. I think I'll ask Night Sky and Moon if they will ask Cobra if he can put Wind with Shadow Stalkers. We could use more teammates. But its up to Wind if that's what she likes. Probably not. She'll ask to be put in a group just to get away from me. Maybe she's like the others and don't care about me and just want my kindness and hospitality to use me. I won't let that happen again. Ever. I just hope I won't get hurt again. Then the bells started going off. First, I reached to grab my bow to notch an arrow. Then, I realized that they were the ShadowBells. Telling all the Shadow Stalkers to a meeting. It said Alpha is calling a meeting. Come to the Shadow Clearing. Don't be late or you'll regret ittttt. It's urgent. Come quickly. Be there in 5 minutessss. It hissed. You don't want to be late to a Stalker meeting. I really don't want to say what happens when you're late; I really don't want to know. So after hearing the message, I took off running towards the said place. I slipped into the shadows, hearing their soft whispers but ignoring them. Soon I emerged from the shadows into a dark clearing. My eyes didn't need to adjust; they were used to sudden changes in light or dark places. I saw Alpha sitting on her tall and round rock and Beta sitting on a smaller shorter stone. Delta was rising from his rock in the darker side of the clearing. Omega was curled but was arising too. I looked around and saw other Shadows step out of where they appeared from. Shadows don't like other people even each other so we don't really meet up and talk. I mean some Shadows do. But not most of us. "I summoned the Shadow Stalkers pack to discuss important and recently pressing issues. So that's why we are all here. Now I know it's-" "Oi! Get to the point already!" Someone must be impatient with this speech. Alpha whipped her head around to glare at that Stalker. He cringed away from her glare and said "S-s-s-sorry Alpha." Alpha snarled at him and then turned back to the rest of us. "Well then. We know that there is an upcoming Cobra Sorting soon. So I know some of you, my pack, has been showing some of the New League around and others, among others. But we need more pack members. So the Cobra must know this but he insists that we become weak, so we cannot win this year's Battle of the Elements. We need to win so we are respected and not dishonorable things that even the Cobra has turned his back on us. Hopefully, he will find others like us." Alpha droned on and on about things. I started to tune out. I realized that Alpha was speaking again and it sounded important. "Well. It is late and this pack needs their rest to attend the Cobra Sorting. Good night my pack. Beta, Delta, Omega, and I will see you all in the morning. Good night. This meeting is dismissed." And that was the end of the meeting. Kind of a boring meeting. But tonight is probably the last night I get to see Wind. I walked to the shadows and slipped into their welcoming grasp. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in front of my treehouse. I climbed nimbly into the branches and the branches gave away to a large room. I headed to one of the doors. I saw that Wind was still up. "What are you doing up so late?" I asked her. "I could ask you the same question." She retorted. "Why did you run away? I saw you stop then run into the shadows and then you disappeared." I'm not sure if I should fib or not. "Alpha called a meeting. I had to go." I said. "Anyway good night. Tomorrows your big day isn't it?" "I guess. But I don't know what the 'Cobra' is and I don't know what a 'Cobra Sorting' is." Wind replied half-heartedly. Then she yawned "Goo-ahh-d night." The next morning, I was up before Wind or Air. Shade was also up. "Morning. Can't wait to see some New League become Shadow Stalkers?" I asked him. "Mhm. Yeah. I hope we get some new Shadows. Anyway see you there?" He said. "Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world. Besides, I can't do anything until the Sorting starts." I pointed out. "True. See you later." I hear the faint swish of him slipping into the shadows. I'm one of the few people who can slip into the shadows silently. Alpha and Beta can do that. So I called "Wind! Are you going to get up? You're going to be late for breakfast!" I heard some crashing sounds in our room. Then I saw Wind finally come out looking ruffled. She grumbled "Did you have to yell? I was having a good dream."

"You're very welcome." I said to her very sweetly. Then I walked out and started to walk to the feasting-tree. I heard the quiet thump of Wind leaping down from the tree. We headed off to eat breakfast. After eating breakfast (which was not all that great. The bread was nice), I led the way to where this year's Cobra Sorting would be.

"Um. What does the Cobra do? How does it sort me?" Wind asked me in very quickly. So it sounded like 'Mm. Hat the obra o? Ow es ort e?'

"Huh? What did you say?" I asked Wind.

She shot me a look that said You know what I said. You just want me to repeat myself. "I said 'What does the Cobra do? How does it sort me?'"

"Ok. You just said it very fast so I heard 'Mm. Hat the obra o? Ow es ort e?' I don't speak fast. But what the Cobra does is just a test. Its really fast. If you're a Shadow Stalker, then you just complete the test in a second. But others, I'm not so sure." I said as we walked to the Cobra tests are going to be held. "Here we are," I muttered "The place that is blinding. I don't see why it can't be dark," Wind shot me a look. "Fine. At least semi-darkness."

"I agree. Its reallybright here." She replied. Then someone howled. Alpha. Was myfirst thought when she howled.

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