Chapter 12: Awoken

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16 months later
Inner world

You were panting, leaning against the fountain with the Hollow next to you. Enkai and the Hollow had been training you for a long time now.

The Hollow had been training you in the Hollow techniques. Enkai had been further improving all the skills that they had already taught you.

Besides all that, you had been training multiple Kidō on your own with the method Hachi gave you. All and all, everything was going fine.

"(Y/n)." Enkai called you out, walking towards you. "I have been fully healed. The katana is back together and you're ready to regain consciousness."

You nodded, putting the katana to the side. "Alright. They didn't bury me right?"

"No, no. Ichigo really tried his best to convince them that you're still alive." Enkai responded, taking the katana and sheathing it in their sheathing.

The Hollow hugged you. "Ah I'll talk to you soon (Y/n)! You've improved a lot!"

You smiled, hugging back. "Thank you!"

Enkai pulled you two out of each other and sighed. "Alright. See you, (Y/n). Take care."

"I will."

Real world

You knew what was going to happen once you woke up. The machine would begin beeping, telling everyone that there's a heartbeat again. Multiple people would come up to you and you'd have no rest anymore.

And it indeed happened.

When you opened your eyes, you were surrounded by multiple difficulties Shinigami. It seems you were somehow in Soul Society.

"Kyōraku-san! You're awake!" A girl said happily, darting out of the room immediately. She had short hair, and you assumed she was the Lieutenant of Squad 4.

"We're happy to see you healthy." The other woman in the room said. She had long black hair and you recognized her as Unohana.

Shunsui was also in the room. He didn't say anything, he just smiled and walked back out.

The one you were most surprised to see was Zaraki. He was sitting next to the bed with Yachiru on his lap. "(Y/n)-chan! You're finally awake! Ken-chan has been so worried about you!"

Zaraki grunted, standing up from the chair. "Was not." Was all he said before leaving the room as well.

The only ones left were Unohana and Ukitake. You sat up, pulling the pillows up so you sat more comfortable. "So... I'm awake... Um, am I in Soul Society?"

Unohana nodded, taking the place of Zaraki to sit down. "When we found you, we were told that you were still alive. Your friends couldn't take care of you because they had themselves to take care of. So they said it would be best if you rested with us."

"You're currently in Squad 4's barracks." Ukitake explained. "What happened?"

"Oh it's nothing really." You responded. "Didn't Shunsui explain?"

Ukitake shook his head. "He said that it would be better if you explained. Apparently even Urahara Kisuke didn't know."

You nodded and began explaining your situation. From the beginning where you fought Aizen, to when Enkai allowed you to wake up again.

"Your Zanpakuto healed itself?" Unohana questioned. "Last time I saw it, it was broken."

You smiled. "Go check on it. It should be completely repaired by now."

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