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Written by: high_on_heels

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Written by: high_on_heels

Unknown POV

Bazil was in his office going through all the paperwork. Ahmet informed about his visit to hi. He would come to Bazil when he wanted a suggestion or wanted to let out his frustration. Ahmet was genuinely a nice person but since he had started working with Hakan, he was getting more frustrated and angry every passing day.

He was tired of Hakan acting like his boss. Hakan was the arrogant, selfish, and irresponsible person he had ever encountered. The only appreciatable trait in Hakan was his acting. He was the best actor with fine looks which got him going because in other cases he wouldn't even survive in this world because of his arrogance.

Ahmet took a deep breath in frustration and tangled his bony fingers in his hair; his gesture whenever he was frustrated or angry. But right now he was angry. Entering Bazil's office he threw himself on the couch in exhaustion.

"What are you doing here Ahmet?" Ahmet didn't lift his head and let out a heavy breath. Bazil placed his files on the table and sat beside him.

"We need to talk," He retorted. Basil nodded his head and turned completely towards him.

"I don't know about you but I am so done with Hakan." Ahmet started. "He is so irresponsible. He doesn't even care about other people. We had to postpone everything for him and all the damn time. He doesn't care about any of his projects, he is out with girls doing his deed knows what."

"You knew how he was from the starting." Bazil knew it was getting very tough for directors to work with Hakan these days.

"Yes, and that was my biggest mistake. After this movie, I am done with him. Friend or not, I am losing my mind just because of him. Not even our staff wants to work with him. Enough of this." Bazil could only jerk his head. He knew Ahmet would demand this because two more directors stuck off Hakan because of his controversial life.

"Two more directors were here in these past days and they said the same. I don't know what to do with him now. You are right in every allegation. But, fine I will let him know by tomorrow. You don't worry." Bazil could only agree because he knew Hakan was going to lose that fame one day or another.

On the other side, he got to know about the bracelet. Police sent him the picture and his suspension was right. It was the same bracelet.

During the inquiry of murder he didn't suspect Hakan after seeing the photo. After all, they were friends. However, after talking with Hakan, doubt arose in him. Being cautious he acquired to police about the bracelet they got at the murder spot of Esana. He called the police and on a low scale- when he came to know that bracelet was nowhere to be found. The locker was empty. According to CCTV footage, no one was seen opening it. It was like it vanished in the air. But Bazil knew well where it was.

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