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Fun Facts

1- Hakan wasn't created as an evil person. He was simply an innocent person who had been possessed by Esana and ended up murdering her accidentally.

2- In the beginning, there were only three main characters; Neylan, Hakan, and Esana. Bazil and Ahmet were sided characters. However, Bazil needed to change his position in the story.

3- Aysel, Diley, and Demir weren't a part of the story. They are added by the progression of the book, by the respective authors.

4- Neylan was first portrayed to fell for Hakan. Bazil and Neylan's relationship was unexpected.

5- Esana and Hakan's hidden dirty relationship wasn't decided.😉

6- Hakan's death was highly unexpected.

7- According to the setting, we wanted Turkish characters as well. We selected some but some had to be taken out of the area.

8- Neylan and Esana's face claim was hard to decide. In the midway, we felt Esana and Neylan's face claim should have been switched. For, Neylan's character had a glimpse of evilness while Esana's hadn't.

9- The most hard character to write was of Hakan and Esana. Hakan had been changing his words till the end. Being innocent and evil at the same time.
Whereas, talking about Esana, neither she was entirely innocent nor evil. That gave us a tough time to make their thoughts clear to all of you.

Author's Message  ♦


This journey has been a great experience. Although, this genre was entirely new to writing and my first ever experience with new themes and twists. Collaboration with other authors was damn exciting. Coming up with new ideas, discussions and fun that we had was extremely thrilling. Although I suggested the plot but it went through a lot of changes that I haven't think of while suggesting. Creating characters and their thoughts was but hard in this genre. However, we have come through this.

easternbirdiee ❤


This journey was well very tough. It was enjoyable, funny, frustrating, irritating and in the end, it was amazing. I don't know how the entire book is tbh because of the lack of views and late updates we did. But one thing was clear I have to finish my part. One of the hardest parts was that I must behave and believe like the character to write it better. A very different experience as I had to cooperate, manage and unite with all the girls who were with us in this book till the end. It was difficult to put all the things back together after we create a lot of mess. But I am glad I pushed myself till the end and I learned something from this experience. I am more glad because I found so many good souls who became my good friends. Hope to grow more in the future and am confident in doing much better in our next work...
Love from Samra...


Hello, everyone!
This is @Chocolatey__Queen. I am excited to talk about the epic journey of writing this book with my whole squad. I never wrote anything in collaboration with someone else, but this experience was seriously amazing. Different people working on the same book create a blast of next-level ideas. And when these ideas are merged, the book becomes a roller coaster of crazy adventures. It was so much fun, trust me! Plus, I loved writing the pov of Demir the most. He matched my personality and shared kind of a connection with me. Give me a review on how much you like him. Lastly, have fun! We hope to bring you guys more roller coaster rides to jump on and feel the world with Various Minds. Happy Reading!


Asalam O Alikum Everyone! How are you all??? So I am the great writer Hareem. The best one in this anthology. Besides, working on this anthology was great. It was a new experience for me as I got the chance to meet with awesome writers. It was a chance for me to improve myself. And I enjoy it because the story was different from the things that I use to write. And I am also looking forward to working on more


Thanks to all who have read this book and shared their feedback with us. Your feedback surely works as a great encouragement for authors.

Soon we will start our new Anthology with a different genre. Till then stay with us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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