My first (real) job

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[Zenitsu POV]

Running to a room I quickly open it to be meet with the face of my brother.... my very late brother "NII-SAN!!!! GET UP!" I screamed and hit his stomach with as much force as possible to get him tk wake up. He was a very heavy sleeper so I had no choice.

"ACK! O-Otouto are you trying to kill me" Naruto said as he held his stomach in pain

"What ever get dressed or we'll be late!" I said worried as I went to his closet and threw his clothes at him.

I still didn't like the orange jump suit but in a way I suited him. I quickly forced him I the shower as his shouted his protest but I shut the door and left to the kitchen.

"Narutos such a piece of work he has to make his younger brother do everything! It should be the eldest to help the younger but here I am with all this work" I said as I looked at the papers and documents on the kitchen counter as I sighed in annoyance. I love my new brother but sometimes I wanna smack him so hard he goes spinning.

I sighed and looked at the sealing thinking about the good times with inosuke tanjiro and nezuko. I miss them

"IM GOING NOW ZENITSU!" Naruto runs towards me grabbing a peice of toast from my plate and hugging me before putting it in his mouth and running out the window

"USE THE DOOR DAMN IT!" I shouted af the knuckle headed blond

I looked back down at the papers and sighed. Despite being so young I was still expected to work so hard. Even if I wasn't gonna become shinobi.

I picked the papers up and put them into a bag, I put on my mask (like kakashis since he thinks it's easier to walk around if no one knows who he is) and put my hood over my head as I walked out into the streets. I looked around and found th place.

"Hello I'm the one who applied for the job" I said confidently, the man looked me up and down and laughed " yeah right kid, no way your the guy. The guy who applied had above academy knowledge, it looks like your still in it!" The man scoffed at the end I sighed and showed him all the papers.

After being in this world I've learned that those who are strong survive while those beneath them are used as stepping stones.

The strong are feared while the weak are cast out and shamed for thier lack of skill.

I never get why the villagers looked at me and naruto as weak and shameful while we have the kyuubi sealed within us. Even after they think we are kyuubi reincarnate wouldn't you wanna get on thier good side? I mean if the kyuubi destroyed your village wouldn't you want the new kyuubi to be kind and forgiving?

I'll never understand the leaf village. Its will of fire or its secrets.

"Wait... your the fo-" the man was about to shout. But I quickly covered his mouth "if you keep me a secret ill let you keep 20% of my previous pay." I said looking into his eyes with a glare

The man thought for a second before he reluctantly nodded "you better fucking listen closely brat. One mess up and your GONE. Deal?"

I quickly nodded and smirked at his offer. "Thank you sir. I'll do my best." The man just waved his hand off and gave me a lost of things to do

I stared at it with determination as I tan off to do what was needed.

I first went shopping for chickens and put them in the chicken coop, I then went to the local farmer to see if I could trade any soya beans for potatoes.

I also walked some dogs and washed dishes.

I help some old women cross the road aswell since the streets were busy.

After I was done with the rest of the things on the list the man was actually pretty impressed that I finished them all in a day.

I didn't notice the time passing when I realised it was 6:30pm Naruto must be home by now.

I thanked the man for the pay and left to the shops. I bought some bread, eggs, vegetables and meat.

I quickly ran home with a smile thinking about how happy naruto would be and how proud I would make my older twin brother.

I got home to a empty house. The lights were off and naruto was nowhere in sight.

I looked around sadly as I felt the happy feeling in my chest dissappear.

I frowned as I put the things into the fridge and freezer.

I went into narutos room to check if he was there but he wasn't. I slowly started to worry as I put my shoes back on and walked around the village looking for him. I was scared to shout his name so I just shout "NII-SAN! NII-SAN BAKA!!!"

I continued to ran around the village to feel my heart ache.

Naruto was with his sensei smiling and laughing almost forgetting that I existed I saw he had the headband and smiled, this must be thier celebration

I turned around happy for my older twin, I'll make sure to congratulate him later.

I walked home as I saw people staring at me I reached for my hood but...

It flew off while I was running, everyone could see my hair. And they know who it belonged to, I quickly ran into the nearest forest hoping no one to violent saw me.

I sighed in relief as I did t see anyone. I quickly moved through the trees to get back to me and narutos apartment

I was still upset at what I saw. Naruto didn't even invite me but I understand if he didn't want me to embarace him.

I felt a Bittersweet smile fall on my face as I changed and got ready for bed, I felt like the walls were closing in on me as I started to sweat in fear of the silence. Even in my first life I've never been meet with such silence.

The painful silence of knowing you were alone in this world full of love and hatred.

Naruto had iruka, and the 3rd hokage but who didn't I have? It was just me. If naruto suddenly decided to leave I don't think I would ever be able to live like this. Hate by everyone again. Hurt by everyone again.

The knowing pain of never being able tk be strong into his world or literal God like beings.

I slowly closed my eyes to be meet with complete darkness

[???: pov]

"Zenitsu, you aren't as alone as you think.... let's go now."

My friend just nodded as he shouted something about being the best. As I shook my head with a smile, we jumped away as we looked back one last time before heading home.


Sorry this came layer then expected.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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