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"Y/n ah! Can you help me clearing these boxes?" My mom opened my bedroom door.

I took out my earphones, when I saw her staring at me, "Oh, you're studying. I won't bother you anymore." She tried to close the door until I said,

"Sure, I can help you, Mom. It's not a problem." I smiled and stood up. We went to the living room and decorated the stuff.

"Y/n, honey. You're already 16 so what do you think what kind of job do you want to do in the future?" She started the conversation while clearing the boxes.

"Mom. I've told you before, I'm still not sure about it." I placed the figure from the box on the shelf.

"Still? Honey, you're really not sure..? Look at Jihyo, she's been following her dream right now and still managing to go to school. Jihyo is such a hard working kid." She said while folding the clothes.

"You're right, she made her dream comes true, but she doesn't have enough time for spending time with her family and freetime. Jihyo is always busy with her schedule and looks tired everyday in school." I explained it to her and saw this beautiful statue of the Eiffel tower.

"She's called Enerjihan in the TV, but is tired in school? Such a funny paradox." my mom chuckled, "I heard that her parents are missing her a lot. They're always telling me that they're really proud of her when they saw her on TV but the absence of Jihyo makes them worried."

"After I go shopping, I'll tell Uncle and Aunt Han that everything is fine with Jihyo in school." I finished packing out the box.

"Oh, Y/n ah!"

"Yes, Mom?" I turned back to her.

"Any new girl in sight?" She asked me curiously.

"Yeah mom, but it's only a crush." I started chuckling and wanted to go out of the living room.

But there were these words that really shocked me, "Tell me more about her."

When I first came out to her, she wasn't happy about it, but at least she accepted me. I've never come out to my father before. My mom was acting kind of different to me in the following days but it wasn't the worst, I could say. Since my dad and my mom got divorced, my mom wasn't bothered at all by my relationships with girls. Well, I had only one real girlfriend.

My mom loved my ex girlfriend, because they vibed at the same level. Ah, it's making me feel guilty when I think about her.

"Well. First, her name is Kim Jimin. She's one of the members in Jihyo's girlgroup band. Her stage name is Monday. Since the band is called weeekly, that means everyone of them has their own day. So Jimin is ruling Monday. She's very tall and stunning. Her voice and dancing are good as frick."

"She seems like a cute and tall girl." we both laughed and I started sighing.

"It's not easy to date her, since I don't know what her sexuality is. She's at least not homophobic. She's also way too pretty and too talented for me." I told my mom and she stroked my back.

"Hey, every part of you is perfect. You're unique and I love you the way you are. And if she doesn't like you back, then she doesn't deserve you. These girls needs to start apprechiate you as a beautiful and hoodhearted person, Y/n." She looked at me and I couldn't hide my smile.

I hugged her so tight, "I thank you a lot, Mom." I started sobbing on your shoulder.

"Hehe, I shouldn't cry about this. Ahhh." My mom wiped my tears and I started to laugh.

"I should go shopping. It's already this late." I took my keys from the table and checked if my phone was in my pocket.

"Bye mom, see you later." I said goodbye and went to the local café.

"Two chocolate milkshakes, five vanilla mikshakes and one strawberry milkshake." I ordered, took a chair and scrolled through my phone.

"Hey, cutie." I looked up from my phone and saw Sana again.

"What do you want?" I said while rolling my eyes. Gosh, she's the last one I wanted to meet today.

"You." she replied and sipped on her coffee.

"I thought, you're not a person who follows other people."

"Because you're special to me." She grinned and tried grabbing my hand but I hit her hand back.

"Since when have you been that annoying? You know, there are lots of other girls in this city. And you changed a lot, that's what I know." I was mad at her.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. Look, the members are also here." she pointed to the other table where her members were. "You know, it's not that I'm stalking you. I'm just giving you some company so why can't we be friends?"

"No way. I just don't want you in my life anymore, okay. Please leave me alone." I went away and took my order impatiently. I only want to leave this place.

"Hey Honey!"

"Oh hey... y/n."

"Something's wrong?" I asked my girlfriend and hugged her because she seems so upset.

"Ah it's nothing."



"Okay." I know I can trust her.


"Y/n, can we talk?" She said seriously, but not in a sad way.

"Yes, what's the matter, darling?" I smiled at her and offered the sofa.

"I'm in love with one of my members."

I was standing still, not realizing anything.

"I was in relationship with her for a month now. I lied to you."

"No way..." That were my last words I could say.

"I could hide it easily because we can't date members so our affection was easy to hide. Also being with the members was an easy excuse..."

"Don't tell me the details. Sana, my mom loved you as her own daughter. I loved you so much and you're doing this to me?" Sana stayed quiet.

"Wow, not even an apology. I'm done with you."

I went to the company and asked the secretary if I could go to Jihan.

"Ah, Y/n!" someone behind me said so I turned around.

"Jihan ah!!" I hugged her and she hugged me tightly back. We went to the dorm.

"How was the shooting?"

"Ah, tiring but fun!" We both laughed.

"Enerjihan is gone now, hehe."

"We're going to my room that I share with Zoa and Soeun. The other members will join us." She explained.

"Okii. Let's party then." I winked at Jihan and we both started to laughed again.

"My energy will generate when I drink these milkshakes, hehe."

When we first locked our eyes✔ | Monday x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now