Fortune does not smile at fools!

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Sarah Fortune's presence could only mean three things: blood, vengeance, and mayhem. Rafen's heart pounded every time her red hair waved in front of his eyes. She smelled like salt. It was almost like breathing in sea air. The two had forged a good relationship, almost an alliance, the moment the redhead rescued him from an unfair situation. Gangplank's allies intended to steal some of the money Rafen had earned in the last quarter after endless days of pouring glasses of Scuttler's Scrumpy behind the bar of the tavern. The Tusk was the only tavern in Bilgewater and the consumers themselves intended to loot it. It did not make any sense. That attack had to be a move by Gangplank, whose spirit continued to torment the boat dwellers of the White Wharf.

The night they met, Sarah was leaving the tavern, walking along the unhinged, wave-wracked planks of the White Wharf towards her new home: the galleon she had taken over after murdering one of the city's most important merchants with a Bullet Time. Specifically, the one who had helped Gangplank find her mother's workshop. Had it not been for that merchant, her family would still be alive.

She was tired, almost entering her new home, when suddenly she heard a noise.


The door of The Tusk fell to the ground. Sarah regained her energy instantly. Rafen could be in danger. She turned back the other way and ran. She pulled her weapons from the holsters she was wearing on either side of her hips, and entered the store, pointing pistols at the heads of the two looters. One of them was on the other side of the bar, holding Rafen by the head and threatening to plunge the edge of a huge knife into his neck.

"Oh. Who do we have here? Isn't it young Sarah?".

She rolled her eyes at the sharp rotten-toothed grin the looter sketched.

And before he could stop her, she pulled both triggers.

The two looters fell limp on the ground with two identical bullet wounds. The girl had aimed at their foreheads practically without looking at them. Rafen sighed in relief and grinned in disbelief at what had just happened. The young red-haired girl saved him! She approached the boy and lifted his chin with one finger to observe the red scratch the man had left on his skin. Rafen let out a groan and flinched at her touch, not only because of the cool, soft fingers of Sarah on his neck, but because the small cut was beginning to sting.

"You'll be all right".

Rafen nodded, standing just inches from her face. At his reaction, Sarah took the opportunity to taste those full lips. She had wanted to do that since the moment he had started working at The Tusk. And she had tried, but Rafen didn't seem to realize how much Sarah liked him. She did not ask things with that syrupy tone to just anyone! And what about the fact that she lowered her cleavage to let the young man enjoy the view every time she visited a bar? How could he be that fool?! She only did that when she was standing in front of him.

Rafen was surprised at first, but then he had Sarah cornered between his body and the bar and devoured her lips passionately.

When they parted a smile appeared on Sarah's face. She felt proud that she had been able to save the life of that good man who poured her a glass of rum night after night. She did not know what would have become of her if the barkeeper had died, leaving her without the only thing that served her to keep her warm and not die of cold.

"Fortune does not smile at fools!" she said in the tone she only used with him.

But Fortune did smile at Rafen that night.

And she also kissed him.

Fortuna - League of Legends (Historia Corta)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora