Chapter 2

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* Emma's POV *

This Carl kid seemed like a cocky douche

He just stood in the doorframe while I put my bag under my cell bed

I glared back at him after putting it under the bed.

"Honestly can I help you with something" I wasn't wanting to be flirted with

I think that's what he was trying to do anyway.

"I just wanted to make sure you were getting settled in, but it seems like you don't need my help" he held his hands up surrendering walking out of the cell

I laid down on my bed and pulled out a book.

After a few hours of reading a woman with white hair walked in

"Hi, Emma is it" she smiled brightly at me

I set down my book and sat up facing her

"Yeah, that's me" I gave her a smile back

"I'm carol, if you need anything my cell is right across from yours" She informed me

"Thanks" I smiled again

She was about to walk away when she turned back around in my cell

"Oh and if your looking for something to do later this evening, we have a small class in the prison library, they're is some kids your age there" she smiled and walked out before I could say another word

Pretty much, I had met everyone in the prison, but I was still trying to adjust.

I decided to catch up with my uncle.

I walked into the cell next to mine

"Uncle M-" he wasn't there


I decided to see what Carl was doing, I honestly didn't care.

I walked into Carl's cell not thinking about knocking

Carl had this girl with short blonde hair on his bed having a make out session

"Oh shit sorry" I said embarrassed covering my eyes

"Emma your fine come back in, it's not like we're naked or anything" Carl said cooly

"Okay, I swear I didn't know you were doing this I just came to ask you if you knew where my uncle was" I said yet again embarrassed

"I have no clue" he shrugged

He looked at the girl then back at me

"This is Sophia Carols daughter" he nodded toward her

"Oh hi" I gave her a small smile

"Hi" she said energetically

"We'll this is awkward I'm leaving now" I said scratching my head beginning to walk out of Carl's cell

"Emma" he called

"Yeah" I replied not turning back around to face him

"Don't tell Carol" he said softer

"Will do" I smirked walking away.

- 1 hour later -

Yesterday Rick assigned me a shift to kill walkers near the fences.

Uncle Mike even got a job to do, only I'm not sure what his was.

My shift had started now

( No shit )

I walked into the fields passing Lizzie and Mika playing with dirt.

Probably making dirt pies.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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