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-Harry's Pov-
"Who are you?" Jamie asked. At that moment I felt like my heart broke. Jamie and I have been dating for two years. Tears started to roll down my face and one of the guys pulled me up as the doctor came in and said "Hello Jamie, after we disconnect you from these machines you are free to go. Sound good?" "Yeah, thanks doc." She said. As the nurses were taking her off machines the doctor turned to us and said "Sorry about this, but in the mean time try to remind her of distinct memories to remind her of you guys." "Okay thank you. We will be taking her home." Liam replied, being the only one who could choke something out. "Okay Jamie, you will be going home with these fellows." The doctor told her. "Okay doc." Jamie smiled. She got up and followed us to the limo. "Woah a limo? Are you guys rich?" She laughed. We all looked at her straight faced, it was to hard to reply. "What, was it something I said?" She asked confused. "We will explain at the hotel." Zayn said with sympathy. She nodded. When we got back to the hotel there was some tension in the room. During the whole ride to the hotel and even just getting here, Jamie kept looking at Niall, and all he would do is blush. I always knew Niall had secret feelings for Jamie. I don't blame him, she is gorgeous and amazing, but she is mine. I worked hard to get her. Ha, it wasn't very easy. But it will stay that way, I'll make sure of it.
Jamie sat by Niall and then Louis started to talk. "Here goes nothing. You have a mom named Jena and a dad named Keith. A younger brother named Jack and a little sister named Shea. Jack is twelve and Shea is five. You have two super close friends one named Matt Smith, the other is Peyton Mabry, you have been friends with them since kindergarten. You are a cheerleader and you cheer at Cheer Athletics. You have been cheering since you were ten. You are on the Cheetahs with Matt and Peyton. This whole thing happened when you were competing at 'Worlds' and you fell. You obviously forgot everything and we are trying to help you remember." He stopped being to choked up to continue. Then Zayn finished for him, "This is Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry and I'm Zayn. We are in a band called One Direction. We are world famous and love our fans. So that explains the limo. We have known each other for eight years now and have all been best friends since. Also there is one more thing..." He swallowed and looked up at me. "Harry is your boyfriend."

-Jamie's Pov-
Wow. That's a lot to take in. Also the fact that I have a boyfriend. "Can I talk to you uhh, Harry?" I ask. He gulped, "uh yeah." I grabbed his hand and brought him to the kitchen. "Hey." I said. "How are you feeling?" He asked scratching his neck. "uh fine I guess. Listen. All of this is a little to much, and to top that I have a relationship to keep on top of its very overwhelming. So I was thinking we could just end whatever we have going on.." I say shyly. "Oh. Yeah whatever is best for you" he says cooly. But he looks really hurt and tears are brimming his eyes. "Uh we should get out there before they start to get suspicious" I laughed carefully. "uh yeah we should" he replied sorrowfully.
We walked back into the room and everyone's eyes were on us. Harry had his head down and his hands in his pockets. I just weakly smiled. "Uh let's stop this awkwardness and watch Annabelle!" Zayn suggested a little to happily. "Okay!" Everyone agreed. I found myself a seat by Niall on the love seat, but I could feel Harry's eyes on me the whole time.

-Nialls Pov-
Jamie took Harry into the kitchen to talk to him but we could hear them. I felt bad for Harry, I knew he really loved her but I have had big feelings for Jamie and now is my chance with her. When Zayn suggested watching Annabelle I was overjoyed. I looked at Jamie and patted a spot on the couch by me. She came down by me and smiled. When the movie was about ten minutes in Jamie's head was hidden in my chest. I couldn't help but laugh, and everyone looked at us. Harry had hurt in his eyes, tears started to fall from his eyes. He got up and said with tears in his eyes, "Um I'm super tired I'm going up to bed, night lads and Jamie..." with that he walked away. Jamie had her head down. I lifted her chin up, "don't look down princess or your tiara will fall." I smiled cheekily. "Wow that was so cheesy" she smiled and laughed. Now I am starting to recognize the old Jamie, I liked that. "I'm going to get a drink" Jamie said and she got up to go to the kitchen. Now is my chance. "Uh I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I scratched the back of my neck and got up. All the boys gave me a weird look.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Jamie leaning up against the counter. "Jamie" I said in a low voices she jumped a little. "What the hell Niall you scared me." She laughed leaning up against the counter. "Listen, I'm just going to say this now" I started. She had a look telling me to continue on her face. "Okay. Ever since I met you I have had feelings for you, and ever since you and Harry started dating I felt like shit. I felt like the person I loved rejected me. Now that you and Harry aren't together anymore I thought I might have a chance.. Jamie, I'm in love with you." I finished, looking at the ground, and right as I looked up she crashed her lips onto mine.

*authors note*
ooh did you see that coming? oops it was kind of predictable but I promise it will get better(: hey if any of you guys have an Instagram follow my fan account its xxharrryyxx please follow me(: also please vote and comment any tips!(: thanks love you guys!! xoxo

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