the boardwalk

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Jamie's Pov
While we were watching Annabelle I went into the kitchen for some water. I know it sounds crazy that I had a boyfriend and me and him just broke up, but I think I am starting to have feelings for Niall. As I was thinking I heard a quiet "Jamie?" I turned around and it was Niall. He started talking about how he has liked me ever since we met and now that me and Harry broke up he might have a chance with me. I couldn't bare to see him all torn up like this so I crashed my lips into his. He was taken back at first but then he started to kiss back. He snaked his hands down my waist and I tangled my fingers in his hair making him smirk. I didn't want it to stop but it had to at some point so I pulled away. "Night Niall" I smiled and walked up the stairs leaving him breathless and went to bed.
*next day*
I woke up and there was a note on my desk that said 'Hey Jamie me and the lads had to go to the studio for while, we will be back around 6 for dinner.
xoxo Nialler(:' God he was adorable.
I decided to finally get up. I took a shower, blow dried my hair then loosely curled it. Then I put on pink sweater and some leggings.(outfit in sidebar) I watched about 18 episodes of teen wolf then I decided to go through my pictures on my phone. While I was looking at them I noticed half of the where with Harry. One that stood out was of me and him kissing infront of the Eiffel Tower. He took me to Paris? As I was caught up in my thought my phone started ringing. The caller id said Matty Patty💕 I answered and said "Hey Matty Patty" and laughed my ass off. "Hey throwback to third grade" he laughed. Wow third grade? "Hey anyways can I take you out for a little to try and spark some memories?" He asked. "Of course, I'm ready when you are" I replied. "Ok I will be there in a minute" he said and hung up.
When Matt picked me up we talked about so many things in the car and I had so much fun. I can see why me and him were best friends. All of a sudden the car stopped, and we were in front of a place called cheer athletics. "This must be our cheer gym?" I asked. "Yep." He replied popping the p. I got out of the car and walked inside. This place seemed so familiar. I walked onto the floor, bent down and looked around. A tear ran down my cheek. Matt came up and put his hand on my shoulder. "Does this bring back anything?" He asked. "No. I want to remember so bad but I just can't" I choked up. "It's ok Jam we can go to some more places." He said

Matts Pov
Being Jamie's best friend I thought that I need to help her remember her life. I called her and asked if I could take her to some places to help her spark her memory. She said yes. I decided to take her to a few of the places that big events happened at.

Jamie's Pov
The next place he took me to was an elementary school. I stepped out of the car. "Why are we at an elementary school Matt?" I asked. "This is where me and you met" he looked a little disappointed. "I'm so sorry Matt." I hugged him. And I truly was sorry, I wanted to remember so bad it hurt. I just couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. "Ok, if this doesn't work we can try one more place, we can't give up yet." He looked determined.
The last place we pulled up to was a boardwalk with a bunch of games and rides. He grabbed my hand and weaved me through a bunch of people. He covered my eyes and lead me down some stairs. When he moved his hands I felt like passing out.

Matts Pov
When Jamie said she didn't remember our elementary school I only knew one more place that would work. We couldn't give up yet. The car ride was Farley quiet this time. I decided to take her to the boardwalk. I wanted to see if she remembered so I quickly grab her hand and weave her through all the people, cover her eyes and lead her down some stairs to a dock. When I removed my hands from her eyes, all the color in her face drained and she looked pale as a ghost. She opened her mouth and said
"This is where me and Harry met."

sorry I haven't updated in a while:( but I'm back and full of new ideas(: thnx for 118 reads!! Please follow me(:: love you babes xoxo<3

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