New Family? (part 2)

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The middle-aged couple walking towards me has smiles plastered on their faces. The man had light brown hair, probably blonde in his youth, and blue-grey eyes. He was wearing a suit and holding his phone. A workaholic I propose. The woman had dyed blonde hair and big brown eyes. She wore a tank top under a white cardigan with a belt and slim fitting jeans. No doubt the prom queen in high school. She looked nice enough now though.

Lily gives a smile, "Escence, this is Jennifer and Logan"

I give a small smile and nod, "Hi.".

Jennifer opens her arms for a hug. I step forward and hugs her, awkward maybe only for me. Logan leans forward to grab my bags for me but I protest,

"No, I can get them. If I just know where I'm going?" I ask dying to get away from the prying eyes of Logan and Jessica and the expecting eyes of Lily.

"When you go in, on your right is a hallway. Go down the hall and it's the third door on the left. You will be sharing a room with our daughter Nadia", Jennifer explains.

I nod and pick up my bags walking inside.

I follow the directions given to me and don't bother knocking. I walk right in the third door on my left and I am suddenly induced in a world of pink. Everything in the room was girly, fuzzy and expensive. There is doubles of everything-had I mentioned that its huge?- and two doorways on the opposite side, closets I guess. Everything on this side of the room was generally plain and generic. My side I guess. I could see that all y atuff had already been put away. The far side was all perfectly neat and organized, though still careless somehow. I see her, Nadia, laying on the bed texting. She is completely oblivious to everything. Her fake blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, her eyes, a mix of blue green and grey, focused on that damned 3 inch screen. She wore a dress that probably could pass for an oversized shirt and showed a mile of cleavage. I roll my eyes and clear my throat. She looks up and screeches. I'm not even kidding, the noise she made was practically inhuman. I can already predict how she is: spoiled, bitchy, slutty brat. Yup, can't say we'll get along the best.


As I look up I see a girl standing on my room. She looks like the type of girl I would get along with perfectly actually, but of course I can't be that way. Not around here at least. I force a wretched noise out of my mouth and stand up quickly.

"Who the fuck are you?!", I ask sounding disgusted.

She smirks,"The devil", I fake a confused look, "Your roommate", she tries again, "Biffles!" She attempts a squeaky high pitched voice and then sighs, "forget it, I'm your new foster sister." She finally answers.

I look at we like she's insane. I had I fact heard about this but through eavesdropping, so technically my bitchy ass is still unaware.

"What?!", I say angrily as I storm out to where my parents are standing with a pretty redhead. I inspect her before turning to my parents.

"What the fuck is that?!", I demand putting an emphasis on that.

My mother looks half appalled, "Firstly, young lady watch your mouth. Secondly, she's not a thing. She's a human being therefore she is respectively not a that but a she. Thirdly, she is your new foster sister, Escence."

The redhead turns to my mother, " It was nice seeing you guys again. I'm sure she will get settled in and be very welcomed. I'll see you next week when I check in".

And at that she leaves. Escence's social worker I guess. I tap my foot at my mother.

"I guess you didn't plan on telling me this shit before some emo bitch comes to invade my room!", I rant.

My father turns to me, "We couldn't find the right time to tell you, plus we thought we'd surprise you. You always talk about how you want a sister".

I hold my arm up and flip them off before storming back I inside.

Things should get interesting. I debate on revealing my secrets and my true self to Escence, but decide against it. I don't know anything at all about her past and she will probably be trying to talk me out of it. I push my headphones in my ear walking back in, the truly amazing music drowning out the rap and Justin Bieber crap I was humming. I had learned to master the talent of humming different then listening a long time ago.

(A/N: okay so I am actually going to do different P.O.V.'s but not a lot. It will mostly be Escence and Nadia (disclaimer: none of the bitchy actions displayed are ones I actually have or promote. This is completely fictional) because I feel if I do any of the guys I'll completely butcher their thoughts and it will be horrible. You never know though! A few other P.O.V.'s may be necessary here and there.)

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