She's a runner

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The crisp morning air felt cold on your face

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The crisp morning air felt cold on your face. You hadn't been out for long- an hour at tops- but you had covered a lot of ground in that time. Your breath wasn't heavy, but far from even. It was a sunny day, the morning gleam ever present, but the cold still nipped at your fingertips as you ran.

You rounded the corner, coming to stop by your car in the carpark. You lifted the boot, reaching for a second water bottle seen as you had quickly drained the first during your run. You took a swig and placed it back in the boot, pressing the button for it to close as you mumbled along to workout tunes playing in your ears. Suddenly, you felt a strong arm grab yours.

Without even thinking, a knee-jerk reaction, you flipped the man onto his back, him landing with a thud. You didn't have your gun with you today, but you didn't really need it. You looked down at the man, gasping in realisation. He wasn't exactly an unsub.


'Oww.' He just replied, sitting up slightly as he rubbed his back. A few passers by had stopped to watch, a woman clearly eager to ring the police as she had her phone readied in her hand.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry!' You practically shouted at Aaron, removing your headphones so they hung loosely around your neck as you reached a hand out to help him up.

'I did say you're name.' He mumbled as he rubbed his back slightly, leaning over. You bit your lip out of embarrassment before replying, shoving your headphones into your pocket.

'I'm sorry- I had my headphones in. I didn't hear.' You looked at Hotch, still rubbing his back as he moaned, his face showing the distinct impression of a golden retriever. 'Are you ok?' You gritted her teeth at him, feeling extremely guilty.

'Yeh I'm fine. I won't be sneaking up on you again though.' By now, the passers by had all lost interest and the trigger-ready woman huffed slightly as she got into her car and drove off, slightly annoyed at the lack of an interesting morning.

'Yeh... that's probably best.' You giggled at him as he ran a hand through his hair, really only making it more out of place as opposed to less. 'So, err, what're you doing here?'

'I'm training for the triathlon in a couple of months. I didn't plan on defensive training being a part of that, though.'

You laughed before returning to your previous guilty look, grimacing slightly. 'I'm really sorry Aaron- I didn't know it was you.'

'Well I'm glad you didn't flip me voluntarily.'

You laughed at him, reaching out to move a stray piece of hair out of his eye. God he looks handsome in his running gear.

'How about I take you out for coffee to make it up to you?' You said as your hand lingered before pulling it away.

Aaron smiled at you. 'Well I think you owe me that much.'

You left together, him driving to a cafe nearby and you following in your own car behind him. It was still early, just gone eight, so you had time to grab a quick breakfast before work. It wasn't even Friday yet and you had still ended up on a date.

A few minutes later, you and Aaron sat across from eachother in a small Bistro Cafe that was a few minutes drive away from the park. Aaron had a cup of coffee, you a tea and a blueberry muffin. Hotch hadn't ordered any food as he was on a strict training diet that he quickly abandoned once he saw the muffin, reaching across to steal some as you batted his hand away playfully before giving in and letting him have half.

'So which triathlon are you doing?' You asked between mouthfuls.

'The FBI one.' Hotch spoke flatly as he looked at you with a knowing look as you laughed at him.

'Of course it is.' You replied, laughing at yourself. 'So when is it?'

'A few months away.' He replied as he leant back in his chair slightly, sucking some muffin crumbs off of his fingers as your eyes darkened slightly before you coughed and averted your eyes.

'How's your swimming going?' You asked playfully.

'Well I haven't drowned yet, but there's still time.'

You laughed at him again. You liked him like this- with his guard down. 'Cycling?'

'I own a bike.'


'Now that one I can do.' He replied with a grin, shoving a bit of muffin into his mouth. You grinned back. 'Do you run at the park often?'

'Most days really- which is why I know you don't.' You pointed her spoon at him accusatorily as you stirred your tea and he put his hands up in mock surrender. You laughed at him as he took a sip of his coffee, some foam getting stuck to the side of his mouth that you dabbed off with a napkin.

'I take it it's the old military lifestyle that gets you running?' He asked after a second.

'Yeh- pretty much. I can't sleep at night unless I've done some form of physical activity.' He smiled at you suggestively. 'Aaron Hotchner, that is not what I meant!'

'Sure it wasn't.' He mumbled into his cup as he took a sip of coffee, amusement spread throughout his voice.

'So how do you sign up for the triathlon?' You quickly changed the conversation, him smirking slightly before letting it be.

'Why- are you interested? I could do with a training partner.' He reached across the table and grabbed your hand, raising his eyebrows as he did so. 'You know- to help with the physical activity.'

'As long as training is what you're referring to.' You spoke with raised eyebrows as you let him lace his fingers with your own.

'Of course.' He replied with mock innocence as he leant back in his chair, removing his hand from yours so he could grab a bit of muffin. Switching immediately back into professional mode, you admired his ability to flick between Aaron and Hotch. 'If you are genuinely interested then I could get you signed up, but I think the deadline is next week so I'd have to do it soon.'

'And you'll be my training partner?' He nodded. 'You're on, Hotchner.' He smiled at you, and you felt goosebumps at the thought that you were one of the few people that got to see Aaron Hotchner's true smile.

And then, of course, his phone rang.

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