Deep shit

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Warnings: Smut, oral, face-fucking

Warnings: Smut, oral, face-fucking

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'Well that was fun. Now does anyone fancy going and poking a bear with a stick?' Rossi spoke sarcastically as he plopped down on his usual seat on the jet.

'I'd prefer to go swimming with great whites with a bleeding knee, but I'm up for that too.' You reply as you sit across from him chuckling. Out of the corner of your eye you see Aaron's mouth twitch into a smile. All of the team were exhausted after driving around chasing tornadoes, but it was worth it in the end after you caught the Unsub red-handed.

'Maybe we could do mine first then yours?' Rossi smirked as Strauss clambered onto the jet after Morgan, sitting in one of the single seats across from Emily and JJ.

'What's that Dave?' She piped up as she sat down, raising her head from the phone in her hands to look up at him. He simply shook his head and continued to smirk at her until she looked away.

It had been a couple of days since you and Aaron had managed to get some 'alone time' in your hotel room, and the lift in his mood had been evident ever since. Even Strauss being there didn't seem to bother him as much as normal- although that might have been something to do with how he would chuckle slightly every time he looked at either her or Dave. It was a short flight back to Quantico and nobody much minded the travel. You set off rather early and so by the time you landed it was only 1 pm. Aaron gave everyone the choice whether to go home or get some of their paperwork out of the way, and so the only ones left at the office were now you, Reid and him. The clock struck 3 as you finished your work and decided to take it up to Aaron's Office.

'Come in.' A muffled reply came through Aaron's closed door as you knocked on it thrice. Opening and closing the door behind you, you checked to make sure his blinds were closed before heading towards his side of the desk and dropping your paperwork on it before throwing your arms over his shoulders in a hug. 'Hey baby.' You mutter in his ear before kissing him once on the side of his neck.

He sighs deeply and contently before placing his pen on the desk and sinking back into your arms. Taking your hand in his, he lifts your knuckles to his lips and kisses them gently. Wordlessly, he pushes you off of him slightly so that he can turn his chair around and look up at you. He smiles as he takes your cheek in his hand and guides your face down into a kiss. Deepening the kiss, he pulls you onto his lap and traces light circles across your back as his tongue explores your mouth. He groans quietly before pulling away and resting his forehead on yours. 'We're at work baby.' He mumbles defeatedly as his fingers trace up and down your side.

'So?' You giggle, running your hand through his soft, dark locks.

'So, we might get caught.' He speaks with a stern voice and raised eyebrows, but the subtle rouge on his cheek shows that you're getting to him.

Taking his face with both hands you kiss him deeply before standing from his lap. 'That's part of the fun, Sir.' You speak seductively as you drop to your knees in front of him. He audibly gulps as you start to undo his belt, careful to rub against his growing erection as you do.

'Y/N we shouldn't-' his breath hitches as you take the zip of his fly imbetween your teeth and pull it down slowly. 'Y/N.' He groans quietly as you release him from his pants. Looking up at him with big dough eyes, you lick a long line up from his base before softly sucking on the tip. You can see him battling a moan as you look up at him. His eyes widen like a cartoon deer as you take all of him into your throat and swallow around him.

His eyes change as a light seems to go on in his head. 'Oh fuck it.' He whispers under his breath before grabbing your hair into a ponytail and using his grip to move you up and down his length. You moan out appreciatively as he begins to fuck your face with a surprising drive. Biting his lip to keep himself from moaning, he throws his head back against the chair as you take over once again and deep throat him eagerly. His dick starts to twitch and you know he's close.

A knock on the door.

You stop moving as your eyeline meets Aaron's. A split second passes before you move off of him and he pushes you under the desk, moving his chair forwards to cover you. 'Come in.' He lets out through a shaky breath, and you have to cover your mouth as not to let out a giggle.

'Agent Hotchner.' Strauss. 'I was wondering how far you've gotten on writing up the report for the arrest yesterday.'

'Umm, I've finished it.' Aaron struggled to get out a coherent sentence as an evil plan formed in your head. Taking his length in your hand, you lick his sensitive tip once. He jerks as you do before trying to kick you subtly, but can't get the right angle. Grinning in this knowledge, you decide to go a step further.

'That's brilliant- can I have it please.' The sound of footsteps alerts you that Strauss has moved closer as you take Aaron's length fully into your mouth so he bottoms out. He shifts uncomfortably but can't move you off of him without Strauss seeing. 'Umm- yeh- ok.' The sound of paper shuffling can be heard as Aaron fumbles around his desk looking for the report, all the while you're sucking on his length even harder than before. You can't breathe, but right now it doesn't matter as the only thing that counts is you torturing your boss in front of his boss.

He shifts slightly and you move with him as he passes the file to Strauss. 'Thankyou.' Strauss says politely before a few more steps let you know that she's headed for the door. 'Aaron?' She asks before leaving, and you can feel Aaron tense up in annoyance.

'Yeh?' He replies very uncharacteristically.

'Are you ok? You seem a bit... unwell.'

'I'm fine.' He replies all too quickly, taking a steadying breath as you continue to work on him, cupping his balls and squeezing lightly as you do so. 'Just a little- hot.'

A second passes as Strauss presumably nods in answer before hearing the door opening and closing lets you know that she's gone. As soon as the door closes, Aaron pulls his chair back and away from you with impressive force before looking down at you with a shocked expression. 'Are you trying to fucking kill me?' He angry-whispers at you.

'Well if you're annoyed I guess I'll go then.' You reply nonchalantly as you make to stand up and walk away.

'Don't you fucking dare.' Aaron angrily responds as he pushes you back onto your knees by your shoulders. You'll have bruises tomorrow, but in this moment all it does it turn you on. He wants you. No, he needs you so badly, and it feels amazing. 'Finish what you started.' He orders.

Nodding softly, you move between his legs once again and make to lick his shaft. Grunting in annoyance, Aaron returns his hand to your hair and pushes your mouth down fully onto him. You gag slightly and he chuckles at the sounds before using a strong hand to guide you up and down his length once again. It's not long before his thrusts become sloppy and his hips buck erratically as he nears his high. He lifts his unoccupied hand to his mouth and a muffled grunt can be heard as he thrusts into your mouth one more time, shooting his load deep down your throat. He takes a second to breath before pulling you off of him. Looking down at you darkly, he takes your chin in one hand harshly. 'Swallow.' He demands and you comply, your heart thumping in your chest. 'You're going to regret that later.' He speaks darkly before pulling you back to your feet and pushing you away from him.

'Go and work. Now.' You nod, scared to speak before turning away from him and leaving his Office quickly. Heading straight to the bathroom, you sort out the mess in your knickers before splashing some cold water on your face.

You had never seen Aaron so angry. One thing was for certain: you were in deep shit now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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