The aftermath of the sun imploding, brings about endless nights on Earth. We follow the only surviving human on Earth who finds closure and companionship with the Moon. Each new moon brings out the mindless man-eating wildlife driven by rage, our ch...
The courageous stars dance freely in the night sky, abandoned skyscrapers disrupt the illuminated atmosphere creating silhouettes of irregular bodies. The silent and eroded roads create hunting grounds for African wildlife. Corroded cars created deformities resembling popcorn kernels at the bottom of the bowl. No sign of human life remained, the sun imploded leaving a white star. Leaving me...
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Endless nights in solitary often degrades one's mind, but at least she's here. Her dim and quiet light calmly caresses the plains. Her silent cycles fabricate long and slow films with each shot creating a metamorphosis. Her name is 'Moon' and she does not hesitate to converse on the endless nights. Her mood depends on the cycle, when she is shy she tends to wane away. But when I come out, she is always full of herself. She watches me start campfires, cook, hunt and many more. She never fails to shed light on potential meals like gazelles and the many dangers like lions. She takes care of me.
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But she often disappears, she becomes 'new'. These nights are dark and loud, every vibration can be heard from each direction. In these few moments of darkness, the creatures get especially rowdy. They all hunger for humans, blinded by their instincts and driven by revenge. They only reach a sense of satisfaction when a human is murdered, but this means I'm their last target. Without her, my steel doors preventing them from reaching the roof become useless. Only way to throw them off is to hide my scent. I burn plastics and clothes to confuse their heightened noses. This lasts for 48 hours, constant smoke fills my lungs but it's better than having them ripped out by those things.
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But she returns slowly, her effervescence casts a spell on the wildlife to tranquilise and idle for the next 27 long nights. She returns, waxed from all the pressure of keeping the nights bright. She gets tired but I'm happy to see her back. She comes back with many stories from deep space, like how the stars are actually ginormous with most even out classing our own white star like Betelgeuse.