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olivias pov:


"UGH SIENNA CLOSE YOU MF ALARMMM" i yelled at my roommate getting tired of being woke by her alarm everyday, after staring at my wall annoyed for what seems like 10 minutes i decided to finally wake up and check my phone, i look at the time and it was 8:25 "SHIT SHIT SHIT SIENNA WERE GONNA BE LATE" i ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and changed. i took a quick pic of my outfit and left.

 i took a quick pic of my outfit and left

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ur outfit.

we left for school and went to get coffee first cuz a bitch needed it, anyways we were jamming out to music until we arrived, i was happy until i saw her.... ag,  with a smirk on her face ready to make my day hell.

"what do you want mc Daniel?" i asked her annoyed not wanting to start my day like this, "whoa calm down mamas" okay she might be my bully but i got a fat ass crush on her. i pretended that did nothing to me and walked to class.

unfortunetly i had history so i walked there, i was zoning out for a while but then heard the teacher saying "olive you are with Ag" i- wat- since when was she in my class??? both of us looked at each other and yelled "WHATT" the teacher just shrugged and said deal with it.

she kept staring as if shes asking to come so i said "im not moving from my seat u come" she rolled her eyes but came nontheless, we had to learn about eachother or some shit.

so she started taking out her notebook and i did the same and ag started asking "favorite color?" i said "green" "ew" i just glared at her "anyways, any hobbies" she asked "i like drawing, playing basketball and thats it" the questions just went on and on an- okay u get the point, she was a ctually being nice watt- soon after her friends were waiting outside and i forgot to get her number for the project "hey ag gi-" "ew stop talking to me you slut" so i spoke to soon maybe? she the proceeds to come over and kick me on my stomach while shouting "whore" "ur nothing" "brat" "go die" so on.

TW(self harm)

when she left to my house luckily sienna was still in school, i went to the bathroom took out the razor blade from behind the mirror and i started pressing hard on my thighs maybe too hard, but i got used to it, i pass out for a while but wake up when i hear my phone ringing ,i quickly clean my blood from the floor and run to see who was calling and it was a factime call from an unknown number, i answer to see ag on my screen "how did you get my number and why are you calling?" "sienna gave me your number and i wanted to do the project so pull out your notebook" fuck Sienna..... "okay um ag can you not hang up i need to shower quickly" i put her on top of my bed frame so she cant see me when i go shower.

i yelled in pain while taking my sports bra off and heard ag say "omg olivia are you okay?" um why does she sound worried wha- "yea yea im okay" after taking a shower i went to wear really short shorts forgetting what i did i went back and adjusted the phone down where she can see me "okay McDaniel lets continue the pro-" "WHAT IS ON UR LEGS OLIVIA" um shit she closed and i tried calling her but no answer. 

10 minuets later i hear knocking on the door, i open it to see the one and only ag McDaniel.

okay what is she doing hear? before mask she yells "WHERE IS UR ROOM" i got scared and just told her where it is, she flipped my room upside down looking for something,, "ag what are u doing" "where.are.they" she opened my phone case and found one razor she proceeds to look behind the mirror and finds all my razors. she comes back to my room and breaks them all "WHY DID YOU DO IT" she pointed at my thighs "BECAUSE OF YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR CONSTINT BULLYING AG" she looks... sad? "im really sorry oliv i didnt mean to i only wanted to get your attention so the only option was to bully you" "ONLY OPTION?? AG THAT ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE AN OPTION IF YOU WANTED MY ATTENTION ALL YOU COULDVE DONE WAS TALK TO ME"

"i know olivia i know believe me im sorry i just like you so much and thought it was the only way to get your attention, but now i know it isn't and im sorry please forgive me" she said while basically crying "i forgive you ag and i like you too but you have caused me too muchmentally and phisaclly ag i cant do this" "i know olivia and im sorry ill be here every step of the way to help you if u let me?" "yes ofcource" we both turn our  heads when we hear clapping, we both saw Sienna she looked happy? all she said was "AWWWW OKAY NOW KISS" ag looked at me and asked if she can all i did was nod and i got butterflies while kissing ag.


oh and dont forget to drink water and eat my loves

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