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it was almost 9:30 and me and ag were going to her friend mias party, Mia insisted on us going because its the biggest party she ever threw and so on, me an ag were in the car driving there  and i wore this outfit.

then we finally got to mias house, as soon as me and ag walked in the house it reeked of alcohol "ill go find Mia" and as soon as she said that she left, "ann- wow your just gonna leave me here alone-" i went to the kitchen to get a drink cuz why ...

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then we finally got to mias house, as soon as me and ag walked in the house it reeked of alcohol "ill go find Mia" and as soon as she said that she left, "ann- wow your just gonna leave me here alone-" i went to the kitchen to get a drink cuz why the fuck not, i pour a drink and start drinking, the kitchen was crowded it was annoying, i felt someone tap my back so i turned around "HEY BITCHH" mia says "hiiiii mia" i say hugging her. "wheres ag?" she says looking around "she fucking left me to look for you" then i suddenly hear someone yell my name "Y/N Y/N" i turn around to see my friend abby "ABBYY" i run to hug her but that was hard to do with me wearing heels, "what the fawk i thought you and billy came together?" abby says punching me playfully on my arms "she left me alone" i laugh and just take the whole drink im one sip "calm tf down with that y/n" ag says wrapping her arms around me.

i slap her hand "you left me!!" i whine. "oh please i left for a minute" she says. "ag  you cant just leave her thats fucked up" mia butts in, "YOU TELL HER GIRL" abby yells.

*after that* 

ive had 2 drinks already and my tolerance is not that good when it comes to drinking, ag kept an eye on me every one in a while making sure i was good. "ill be back, im getting another drink"i stand" up and head to the kitchen and pour myself a drink and someone taps my shoulder "what abby" i turn around to see a girl "your cute whats your name?" the girl says "go somewhere else i have a girlfriend" i grab my drink and head to my friends, at that moment i felt dizzy and couldnt see shit, "y/n are you drunkkk?" abby says and i hear mia laugh i think, "agggggg" i groan, "yup shes drunk" somebody says "y/n get tf up were going home" i recognize this voice it was ag. "y/n always gotta fuck shit up, damn"

"i wanna go hooommmee" i say as ag helps me up, "we are going home idiot, you always gotta ruin everything"billie says laughing as she says bye to abby , mia and her other friends, i feel cold air so i guessed we were outside. "AG" i yell calling for her, "damn mamas im right here, you so stupid" ag says, "hey shut up stop being fucking rude to me ag" i say pointing almost stabbing her eye, "calm tf down y/n ur gonna make me crash" ag says putting her hand on my thighs while strating the car, "whatever" i say and fall asleep cuddling with my girlfriend.

my bad i know i said every two days but i got bored anywaysss have a good day/night love yall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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