Chp.33 The Sad Epilogue

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After defeating Toffee, and yet destroying the behelit necklace, returning back to land at last, (YN) was surrounded by the puddles of blood of his fellow allies and friends...yet he then suddenly heard Hekapoo's voice, screaming for him...yet she sounded like she was in pain...(YN) goes rushing to her as he then checks on her, gets on his knees...

(YN): H-Hekapoo! Hekapoo, are you alright?!

Hekapoo was relief to see (YN) alive...and yet she sees him that he was all wounded, mortal wounds as well, and yet she notices his left arm chopped off and right eye as well...

Hekapoo: O-Oh my god...(Y-YN)...wh-what happen-

(YN): D-Dont worry about that Hekapoo, I'm alright, trust me, but I'm more worried about you, are you alright?! You sounds like you were in pain!

Hekapoo: ...H-Hehe...I-Its just that...I'm going to labor already...

(YN): O-Oh! Shit! Like right now?!

Hekapoo: Y-Yeah...the's coming...!

(YN): H-Hang on tight! Here, let me...

(YN) then carries Hekapoo on his arms as he goes walking towards where there's grass, he yet gets out of the puddles of blood, placing Hekapoo slowly tot ground as she yet started to feel more pain, she started sweating...

Hekapoo: (Y-YN)...I-I feel like-

(YN) holds onto Hekapoo's hand...

(YN): D-Dont worry! J-Just relax...and breathe my love...breathe, take some breathes first and let me know when your ready...

Hekapoo started to take some breathes for a second, and yet, she stares at (YN) and smile as she says...

Hekapoo: I-I'm ready...!

(YN): Okay push! Push my love!

And so, Hekapoo started pushing, trying to get their child's to be born, Hekapoo kept on pushing and pushing, as (YN) goes towards between her legs as he can see the head...

(YN): I-I can see the head! Come on, one more my love! You can do it.!

And so, Hekapoo then gave all of her strength to give that power push...and as she then gives one final push...suddenly, the baby's was finally out from Hekapoo's womb, as the baby started to cry as (YN) was holding his baby...and yet...the baby was a boy...(YN) then chopped of the womb off from the baby's belly hole as he yet to see his son in his arms, crying, (YN) was calming his son down as the baby then stopped crying and then got some rest...

(YN): ...I-It's a boy.

Hekapoo: A-A boy..

(YN) walks over to Hekapoo, gets on his knees as he then was getting emotional of his baby boy to be born and showing it to Hekapoo...

(YN): L-Look my's our son...our little boy.

Hekapoo then reaches her arms as (YN) hands his son to her, Hekapoo was hugging her son, as she yet started to smile emotionally ...

Hekapoo: M-My baby...*sniffs* (YN)...h-he's beautiful.

(YN): He is.

Suddenly, Hekapoo then passes her son to (YN) as (YN) carries him again...

(YN): H-Hekapoo?? Wha-

Suddenly, (YN) then notices Hekapoo was losing too much blood from her vagina and yet is causing her to make her weak and yet...soon to die...

Berzerk Love (Hekapoo x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now