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So Laceys name was originally bailey in the last book but I prefer Lacey

You have to pretend dad isn't here, he isn't alive.
That's what I was told as I was a kid, but now i'm seventeen, I understand it all, Dad was my biggest inspiration in life, I was going to be exactly like him. I rolled out of my bed, groaning, I glanced at my tattoo, smiling to myself, dad and I had already planned to go back to the parlour and get another next month, but this time, he would get one too.
My phone chimed beside me and I pulled it up to myself.

Lacey: Hey handsome, picking you up in four minutes. Better be ready, I wanna stop and fuck real quick before we head to school.

I grinned at my phone and shut it off, hurrying to my drawers, I picked up some black jeans and a black shirt, throwing it on carelessly. I opened my bedroom door and rushed downstairs, avoiding Hensley, and Lou. As I stepped into the kitchen trying to grab a quick snack, he caught me off guard.
"Ace, rushing somewhere? You don't have school for another hour.." My dad said confidently, I turned to him and shrugged, "Lacey wants to meet before school, revise our books before our test first period." I lied, he had to be convinced, but knowing my dad, and how he was as a kid, he wasn't stupid.
"That's the one with the blue hair right?" He raised an eyebrow, and I nodded, "Great, have a good morning, stay safe.." He winked at me, I rolled my eyes with a groan, grabbing my school bag,
"And hey, tell her to come to dinner tonight, I think its time your family meets her right..?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "Dad, you're supposed to be dead remember?" He laughed, "Oh yeah, well..have her come in to meet your mom later when she drops you off.." I shook my head, hearing my phone chime, "Not going to happen, she's not my girlfriend, anyways, I have to go!" I turned and hurried out of the kitchen, knowing my dad was grinning behind me.

I rushed out the door, Lacey staring at me with a frustrated face. "So much for fast, by the time we get there we'll have forty minutes, I wanted a good fuck not a quick one." Lacey groaned, I pulled her chin for her to look at me and I grinned, "Any sex with me is good sex, Lacey, you know this.." I leaned in and kissed her hard, her hand reached down to my jeans, tugging on my dick roughly, I pulled away with a smirk, "Get driving so we don't lose more time."
Lacey started the car again, pulling away from my house.

I buckled my pants now, Lacey out of breathe with a grin, she began driving out of the empty lot in the hills. "Fuck that was good Ace. Best car sex we've ever had.." Lacey turned to me with a wide grin and I chuckled, "Damn right. I'm a god." I winked at her, she pushed her blue hair behind her ear and her cheeks were flushed red, Lacey was a beautiful girl, she had freckles along her nose, a beautiful smile, and she had blue eyes, matching her hair perfectly, we hooked up a lot this year, but we were definitely not anything close to a couple, just good friends.
"Ace, you wanna light the joint I rolled, it's in my dash, I was thinking we could get high as fuck before first period.." Lacey shot me a grin and I nodded, "Definitely.." I opened her dash and grabbed the joint, and her lighter, lighting it as I rolled down my window, I took a big puff and shut my eyes, a smile forming on my face. "Gosh, aren't I just the greatest?" Lacey mumbled as I opened my eyes again, taking another puff, "Hell yeah, here.." I passed her the joint and she grabbed it, taking a puff as she stopped at the red light.
"So do you want to just skip all day..?" She turned to me with a raised eyebrow and I smiled, "Again?"
"Yup, we can go to the mall, invite Aaron and the others.." She said as she passed me the joint again.
"I'm intrigued.." I told her, "Great, we're doing it. Also, there's a party tonight for Mary's birthday, you're totally coming.." She demanded, I smiled at her as I took another puff, "Okay boss."
She shot me another grin and pulled into the shopping mall.

Lacey and I walked out of the lingerie store she dragged me to, finally after watching her pick a set. And I was very grateful when we ran into everyone.
"Hey Ace.." Mary grinned at me as we walked towards the group of friends, she pushed her blonde hair back as she pulled me into a hug. I patted her back softly and smelt her strong perfume as she pulled away. I glanced at Aaron who dapped me up as we said hey, Aaron was kind of Lacey's friend, not so much mine.
"Hey Ace.." Tommy nodded his head at me and I nodded back, he was the shy one, and then we had Summer, she had split dyed hair, half lime green and half pink, she was kind of my obsession, and I felt like she knew that, she smiled at me gracefully and I smiled back, focusing back to the group discussion before I got too lost.

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