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"Better get ready Ace, we're going to get fucked tonight!" Lacey shouted at me as she glanced at herself in her bedroom mirror, I watched her carefully and grinned, "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, im talking Molly, acid? What are your thoughts..?" Lacey turned towards me in her corset, her black tight vinyl pants screaming at me.
"Molly, and we have sex..?" I raised an eyebrow at her, she rolled her eyes, "Im aiming at fucking Aaron tonight, he looked so good today at the mall.." Lacey moaned practically and I rolled my eyes, she turned to me again, "What? You should try fucking Summer since you're so into her..and her lime green hair!" Lacey winked at me, I stood up from her bed, shrugging,  "She's fucking hot.."
"Not as hot as me, we both know that.." Lacey grabbed her coat and motioned for me to follow her out of her room. I followed her out and we made our way outside to her car. My phone vibrated and I picked it up quickly as I hopped into the passenger side.

Mom: Ace where are you? I just finished making supper.

Ace: Hey ma, won't be back until later, don't wait up!

Mom: 10:30 latest, you have school tomorrow Ace.

I rolled my eyes turning to Lacey,
"Mom is on your ass already?" She asked me,
"You think she'd be cool, knowing who your dad is and all..I feel like Gus was worse than you.."
"Lacey..shut the fuck up. Don't act like you knew him." I furrowed my eyebrows at her and she was taken aback, "Im sorry..Thats not how I meant it, I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine." I said dryly. "You're handsome you know that?" Lacey told me and I rolled my eyes,
"Make a move on Summer tonight.." Lacey turned onto Mary's street and I thought about Summer now.

"here take this!" Lacey handed me a pill and I shoved it into my mouth. thirty minutes later, I was fucked up.

The loud music made me dance around the house, searching for Summer, her beautiful eyes engraved into my head, I wanted to do so many things to that girl.. "Ace!" Her voice alarmed me and i turned towards her, "Oh hey Summer.." I smiled at her, she was wearing a plaid pleated skirt and a black tight shirt.
"Your pupils are huge!" She chuckled as she walked closer towards me, red solo cup in hand, her dark eyes stared into mine. "Are they? Lace gave me some kind of pill.." I blinked trying to get a grasp on the girl before me. "That's always fun huh?..I have some coke, wanna go upstairs and do some..?" She grinned at me, "Fuck yeah, let's go.." She grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs.

My vision was blurry as we made our way upstairs, many people said hello to me and I tried my best to respond, as soon as I hit the bathroom, I blinked repeatedly, the bright fluorescents taken me by surprise. Summer pulled a small container out of her bra and waved it at me, "Lock the door!"
I turned towards the door and locked it, turning back to her, watching her set up the lines on the counter.
She pulled a twenty dollar bill to her nose and sniffed the line of white substance. she sniffled as she handed me the bill, I leaned towards the counter and snorted my line this time.
"Woo!" Summer shouted as I looked down to her, now done. "Fuck." I wiped my nose aggressively.
"Let me know if you wanna do some more later.." Summer winked and she placed her coke back in her bra, making her way out of the bathroom. I watched and sighed, making my way out now.

I walked around the crappy house, feeling so much energy in my body, I searched for Antho my best friend apart from Lacey but he was no where to be found, "Hey Ace!" Mary shouted at me as she walked up the stairs, I smiled at her, "Hey Mary, happy birthday.." She pushed her blonde hair back and grinned, "Thanks Ace..I was thinking..maybe you could meet me in my room later..?" Mary gave me puppy eyes and I chuckled, "Nice try, Im looking for Antho see him anywhere..?" Mary shook her head, "Maybe try the living room..Could be dancing with a girl.." "Thanks Mary..i'll check.." I continued my way down the stairs, and then to the living room.

He was there, sitting with an average thot.
I rushed to him, "Yo Antho!" I shouted, he smiled widely standing up and giving me a tight hug.
"Sup Ace, Mommy finally let you out of the house?" He laughed, I rolled my eyes, "She has been..i'm breaking curfew tonight, can I crash at yours..?" I asked him, "My dad might tell your parents.." He raised his eyebrows, Antho was Tracy's son, he's about the only person I could talk to about my dad..we had been friends since we were kids..
"As long as I don't go home fucked up on Molly, im fine. Thanks dude.." I slapped his knee with a grin, he rolled his eyes, "You're on molly?" I nodded,
"Come on Ace..You gotta stop doing that stupid shit.." I rolled my eyes completely ignoring him, I began to stare around at all the people before us, Summer danced with Lacey, and I glanced at Lacey, her eyes on mine, she grinned as she looked towards Summer and back at me, I rolled my eyes at her and she grabbed Summer's hand, pulling her towards me, stopping to dance just in front of me.

"Hey Summer..why don't you dance with Ace?" She mumbled as they continued to dance, "Oh yeah, where is he..?" She began to look around and then realized i was right next to her, it made me chuckle to myself, "Come on Acey." She pulled me by my arm, causing me to get up, I stared down at the sexy girl in front of me now. She pulled my hands to her hips and she began dancing against me, I felt Lacey's hand touch my shoulder and she leaned in to my ear, "Fuck her like you fuck me.." I watched Summer with hungry eyes, feeling her body carefully...

Gustav's pov

"He's not home yet..?" I asked Lauren as I stepped into the living room, handing her a can of coke, she shook her head, I made my way to the couch beside her and sighed, "I just hope he isn't being as stupid as I was.." Lauren looked over at me, a small worrisome look on her face, "Do you think he is?"
"He is his father's son after all..but maybe not..let's give him the benefit of the doubt.." I leaned my head on her shoulder, she began brushing my hair softly, "I'm worried about him..have you called Tracy? Maybe he's with Antho?"
"No..but i'll text him. Stop worrying babe..he knows how bad drugs are.."
"Right..?" I looked up at her with uncertainty now,
"I hope so.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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