Chapter 7: Hardin

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"This will only take a moment. Could you lift your shirt for me Mrs. Scott?" The doctor gives us a friendly smile as Tessa nervously lays back against the examination seat. We've been in this position about a dozen times, but this time feels different. We aren't coming for just a monthly checkup, we're coming because she thinks something is wrong. Tessa explained everything that she's been experiencing with this doctor who only nods in response. I have no idea what news we're about to be given, but I grab on to her hand just incase. I'm praying to everything and anything the baby is okay. I know she said she wouldn't leave me if we lost the baby, but I cannot imagine the emotional damage that this would do to her. I don't think she'd ever recover.

The doctor rubs some clear liquid onto Tessa's stomach and swirls the probe around. My hands are growing clammy, and I can feel a small shake in Tessa's. This is much more terrifying than I expected. We're so close, so damn close.

Please. Please. Please.

"How does everything look?" Tessa softy asks the doctor. We're both growing impatient by his silence. He quietly hums and scrunches his eyebrows together, and Tessa grabs my hand tighter. The doctor presses a button, and a fast heartbeat comes through the monitor. Is the heartbeat supposed to be that fast? I feel like it's not supposed to beat that fast... or maybe I'm just hearing my own heart thumping through my veins in my head. Fucking A, I just want to know if the baby's okay!

"Well, Mr and Mrs. Scott, the baby looks just fine." He finally says, and I feel the weight of the world fall off my shoulders.

"Oh, that's so comforting to hear." Tessa is equally as relieved as I am.

"The baby has a strong heartbeat, and looks healthy. Though your blood pressure is high, which isn't abnormal for a pregnancy, but since you said you're high risk, it's not the best sign."

Fuck. "What does that mean?" I ask.

"Although the baby might be doing great, that doesn't mean the mother is. Your elevated blood pressure must be a result of all of the stress that you were talking about. I recommend taking a maternity leave from your occupation if it's causing you this much stress. What is it that you do?"

"I'm an event planner. It's one of my client's weddings this weekend, so that's why I'm more stressed than usual."

Internally, I laugh at the idea of Tessa taking a maternity leave, which I assume is when a woman stops working so she can give birth to her baby. Tessa's never been one to 'stop' working, ever. For as long as I've known her, she's worked ridiculous hours for no apparent reason. She loves what she does, so a doctor telling her to stop working is probably not what she wants to hear right now.

"After this client, I am not planning anything so I'll be relaxed then." She assures the doctor, but I wouldn't be surprised if something pops up right after this wedding. Knowing Tessa, she could never decline.

"Very well. Do some yoga, drink some tea... just remain as calm as possible. It's not good for either you or the baby to have such high blood pressure all the time. A healthy baby stems from a healthy mother. Everything is fine, and you're good to go." The doctor rubs the gel off of Tessa's stomach. I'd been so worried about the baby's health that I didn't even think of how Tessa's health is doing.

"Thank you." Tessa shakes the doctor's hand, as do I. I'm so glad that all things are good with the baby, and mostly all things are good with Tessa, thought I am concerned-.

"I'm sorry, but while we're here could you check my husband too?" Tessa asks the doctor, completely throwing me off.

"I'm fine, Tess." I whisper to her, but she shakes her head.

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