Chapter 16: Hardin

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"Mr. Bunny!" Grace exclaims in joy as I stand at the doorstep of Kim's mother's home holding her stuffed animal. "Thank you, Hardin!"

"Of course." I'll admit seeing her smile makes getting lost for ten minutes trying to find the house worth it. I'm not familiar with this part of Washington, so it was a fucking hassle to get through all the endless streets and roundabouts. Looking into her house, it feels like I've been transported to the 1960's. Floral wallpaper and a crusty brown rug line the entire entryway. Everything is so outdated; it honestly looks like my mum's house, but she was just too poor to get anything redone. I know this isn't the issue for Kim's mother since she's wearing some jewelry that probably adds up to the equivalent of the car I'm driving.

"Where's Tessa?" Smith questions me from the corner of the room. He's sitting on the green velvet retro couch reading the Percy Jackson book that I got a while back, and I can see he's nearly done. His eyebrows are scrunched with curiosity.

"She's at the wedding tonight."

"You're all alone at home?" He puts his book down on the coffee table and walks over to me. "On Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah, your dad and Kim went out for the night, so it's just me."

He looks to his step grandmother for a brief moment before turning back to me. "Do you want to stay?"

"I'm sure Hardin has better things to do, Smith." She pulls him back away from the door, and Grace runs up beside her, yanking on her arm. Kim's mother has the same annoyed facial expression that her daughter usually gives me, and like her daughter I can tell she doesn't like me.

"Can he stay Grandma? Please!" Grace pleads.

"We don't ever get to see Hardin since he moved to New York, and he's only here for the next couple days, Elaine." Smith pouts.  Rarely did I ever see him get so... sentimental about me, so it warms my cold heart to see him actually want to spend time with me.

"If you want, I can take them out for some dinner, or a movie... just to get them out of your hands." I offer.

Smith's mouth perks up in a smile. "That sounds nice."

"A movie! A movie! I want popcorn and candy!" Grace jumps up and down.

I can see the internal debate happening behind Elaine's eyes as she considers my proposal. I can feel the judgement radiating off her in waves as she looks me up and down. Her eyes scan my face, focusing mainly on my piercing. I should take off my jacket and roll up my sleeves so she can get a look at my tattoos, though I'm sure Kim told her all about them.

"If you insist, then be my guest." She finally tells me.

Smith quickly grabs his coat, like he's been anticipating leaving the house since he got there. He hands Grace her coat as well. Did I really just agree to take two children to the fucking movies? I don't even know what's playing, or if there is even a movie theater around here. Looks like I still don't think before I speak, but I'm happy that I'll get to spend time with my siblings since it's true that I don't see them often enough.

"Have them back at a decent hour, please. I go to bed at 10 PM."

"Text Smith when you want them home, and I'll bring them back, unless you want me to just take them back home since I'm here."

"Just have Smith message me and we'll discuss it then. Have fun." She says in a monotone voice before hugging Grace and Smith and closing the door without another word. Should I text Vance and Kim that I'm taking their kids out? I don't think they'll mind, considering I'm an adult that's related to them, but the last thing I want is for Kim to flip out. When Kim flips out, Tessa is the first person she calls.

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