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Chapter 5 | apologies



After what happened downstairs Taurus came running up after me, it was nice but me being me wouldn't take the apology.

Taurus walked in quietly sitting next to me " look.. I'm sorry" he said

I glanced at him for a second before going back to staring out the window. Feeling like his eyes were burning into the back of my head, i wanted to say something but it just wouldnt come out,i hate it. I hate myself.

Taurus sighed " ight whatever" he said standing up and walking out of the room

I waited untill he was gone and slowly looked away from the window. Every time he would leave a room The smell of his cologne always lingered. I sighed staring at the door debating with myself, i stood up and quietly opened the door making my way to the stair case. I peeked around the corner seeing Taurus with his head in his hands.



I didn't know what i was doing wrong, i wanted to help Tione and at this point i wasn't even trying. I mean i scared him sometimes i don't know what made me thing bringing von over was a good thing. One thing about von was he knew when he had accidently upset someone it was better to leave. But that wasn't helping me, i wasnt even trying to talk to him I just got mad at the stupidest thing.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by someone sitting next to me, i looked over seeing tione sitting there " is something wrong?" I asked

Tione shook his head " c-can we watch a movie? I- i haven't in a while" he said

I nodded " yeah, hang on" i said standing up to find the remote

I tossed it to him and he shook his head " you pick" he said.

So this wasn't about him wanting to watch a movie. This was about me.

I sat down not looking at him just going to pick a movie " this one's good i guess" i said

I was staring at the tv when Tione layed his head on my shoulder, i felt myself let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

I looked down at him seeing him half smile " trying to get comfortable" he said

I laughed putting my arm around him causing him to look up at me confused " what? Just trying to get comfortable" i said looking back at the movie

Just halfway through the movie he was already asleep, still asleep Tione started to cry. I didn't want to wake him up so I gently grabbed his hand tracing circles into on his palm. It worked for a while but it only seemed to get worse.

I frowned gently shaking him but he only started to cry more " come on ti wake up" i said

Tione eyes opened and he started crying into my shoulder. I sighed rubbing his back and after a while he calmed down " im sorry" he whispered

I shook my head " dont be. Are you alright?" I asked cause thats all i was really worried about

Tione wiped his tears away sighing " im fine. I just dont want to talk about it." He said


Thanks for reading! I kinda ran out of ideas so the next chapter will be better

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