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Chapter 6 | trailing away from the conversation and a almost kiss



After what happened we didn't talk much about it, he did eventually fall back asleep and the next morning he chose to pretend like it didn't happen so who was i to bring it up. My mom kept asking if i was gonna let my sister come over in a few days and i wasn't exactly sure if that would be a good idea but I said yeah anyway. Thought i would have learned my lesson about stuff like that. I was knocked out of my thoughts by my own voice, well my songs would be a better description. From upstairs and suddenly it came to me that he was listening to my music, and knowing that just gave me a feeling that the songs he was listening to just weren't as good as they were when i wrote them.

I heasitenly stood up and walked up the stairs, i knocked on the door which was opened by a grinning tione which i couldn't help but smile at " hey, music good?" I asked

Tione turned slightly red at that as he went to turn the music down " not sure yet, still trying to decide. Trying to decide alot of things actually" he said

That's another great thing. He talks alot more and most of the time without stuttering unless hes really nervous. When he's nervous he tends to tap things, it's a way of keeping track of time i suppose like hes counting seconds until that moment could be over. Not that i notice things like that.

I stood up straight from where i was leaning on the door frame " oh yeah, what's that" i asked walking father into the room and sitting down on the bed

Tione sat next to me shrugging " i like it here" he said

And now it was my turn to smile " good, now onto to step two" i said jokingly

Tione looked up at me " step two?" He asked confused

I smiled what i could tell was probably a stupid looking smile,the same smile i was using when i was talking to girls not to long ago. " make you love my music" i said

Tione looked even more confused at that " why?" He asked

" cause everyone loves my music" i said in a joking sorta duh tone

Tione laughed. Really it was almost like a giggle but either way it was adorable " if you say so" he said

I grinned " was that an attempt at a joke? Didnt know you knew how to do that" i said teasingly

Tione rolled his eyes " oh shut up" he said as I turned to look at him once again

I caught sight of his eyes and before i knew it i was staring, and he was staring back. We both sat there slowly starting to inch closer after a few minutes. Before i could find the courage to do it something in my head starting yelling that i shouldn't. So i didnt, i pulled away and stood up with a guilty look on my face as i left a confused looking tione sitting there alone.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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