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Naomi's P. O. V


What could that possibly mean, half of the stuff she said didn't even make sense or maybe there was something I was missing?

And plus, we aren't even that close, I mean I literally just met her like 3 months ago, and we havent even gotten time to REALLY get to know eachother so how am i the closest thing to her?

Right on perfect timing to get me out of this uncomfortable silence, my phone rings.


Jewel is my best friend, just in case you didn't know, I tell her EVERYTHING, well ok I lied, no one tells their bestfriend every single thing.

I excused myself from my uncomfortable predicament with Khadara, to talk to Jewel.

"Hey Stranger, What's happening? " She says rather excited.

"Hey! I've missed you person! " I speak.

"You doing anything tonight? "

"Nope, I'm good" I say knowing what she's about to say.

"Sleepover? " Jewel questions.

"Sleepover." I say confidently.

"Goodie, I'll be over at 5 and we could go shopping , Bye."

"Okay , Bye." I say.

Over the next couple of hours I have lot of time to figure out what Khadara meant...


Unknown Persons P.O.V

"Hey, where are you? I thought I told you to be here at 5:30 sharp!" She said.

"You said 6:00!" I spoke, a bit irritated.

"No,I said 5:30!"

"30 Minutes different who cares!?" I scream.

"Uhm I do, I said to be here at a certain time and your not here, I even waited an extra five minutes just to give your ass bit of extra time."

"Anyways, do you see her?" I questioned.

"Yeah, they are in the line for Starbucks." she says.

"They?? Who is they?" I question.

"I see Naomi with another girl and a guy."

"A guy... A GUY??? THIS RUINS THE WHOLE FREAKING PLAN!" I scream straining my throat.

" HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A GUY HERE?" she whisper-yells sarcastically.

" Oh, I don't know I mean you have been there for over a half an hour spying on them so I am pretty sure you saw a guy with the girls." I say.

"They are moving again, i'm gonna follow them I will call you back I ten."

"No need to, I'm here."


Naomi's P.O.V

"I feel weird." I said to Jewel and her boyfriend Don.

"What do you mean?" Jewel questioned.

"I feel like we are being followed."

" I don't see anyone who sticks out oddly." She frowns.

"Ok..." I respond.

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