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Hiro POV

It's been 2 days since we've found out that Gogo's uncle is in San Fransokyo. I'm in Gogo's apartment with Honey Lemon as Gogo's in her room, probably taking a nap. Even with the new security system Gogo's isn't fully relaxed, and takes naps throughout the day as she stays up at night in fear he will take her when she's asleep at night. Her eating schedule is also messed up as she stress eats throughout the day not ever having a proper meal. I'm so worried for her. She can't continue like this but I know it's hard knowing that someone is out looking for you, so I'm letting her be for now. However, she is going to have to snap out of this and help us find a way to stop him for good.

"Hiro what's wrong?" Honey Lemon asks looking concerned. "It's just Gogo." I tell her. "I know that you're worried about her, we all are." she tells me. "But I feel like we should be doing more." I tell her. "We're doing the best we can. You, Baymax and I are staying with Gogo to make sure she's alright, while Fred and Wasabi are patrolling the city looking for him." she says, reexplaining the plan I told everyone yesterday. "I can't take seeing her like this though. I need to do everything I can to keep her safe." I say getting frustrated with myself. "Relax Hiro." she says to me putting an arm around my shoulder. "This is as much as we can do with the amount of information we have and Gogo's condition." she explains. "I know but-" I start before Honey Lemon cuts me off. "Stop being so hard on yourself." she tells me. I start to relax a bit, until the alarms go off.

Gogo POV

It's been a tough 2 days for me. I'm not my normal self but I can't help it. I'm consumed with fear and don't know what to do.  I know my friends will do everything they can to protect me, but I still feel scared.  I take a nap for about half an hour until I'm woken up by the sound I want to hear the least.  The alarm.  When I open my eyes the last person I wanted to see is standing over my bed.  My uncle. I back up against my bed, cowering with fear. "Hiro save me!" I scream. "You're coming back were you belong" Gujoja says to me, as he hits me in the head with a bat knocking me out. The last thing I see is Hiro rushing in as everything goes black.

Hiro POV

"Hiro save me!" I hear Gogo scream as I rush towards her room. When I enter I see Gogo unconscious, laying on her bed as Gujoja goes to pick her up. "Not so fast." I say to him as he turns his attention to me, and Honey Lemon who's just entered.  Honey Lemon and I go to stop him, but he's able to fend us off.  He kicks me in the stomach sending me into Honey Lemon, then gets Gogo and jumps out the window.

I quickly get up and suit up, hoping that I'll be able to catch him.  I get onto Baymax and fly after him, and when we get to then end of the street I see that he's been held up by Fred and Wasabi.  Seeing that he's outnumbered he puts Gogo down and starts talking to us. "So you're Hiro Hamada." he says to me. "How do you know my name?" I ask him. "Oh, please your in the newspaper for getting the Medal of Freedom. That's how I found your god in the first place." he says, shocking me. I don't know what to say, I'm the reason why he's found Gogo. "And I have to say, for a genius you really didn't do much.  A security system, really?  Even a baby could think of that." he continues, angering me.  "To think that she called your name to save her.  Pathetic!" he adds.  I've heard enough of this and charge towards him, flying on Baymax. He sees me coming and easily steps out of the way, causing me to go flying into Fred and Wasabi as Honey Lemon comes.

"You must be Honey Lemon." he says catching her off guard.  "The other female in this group, and the supporting actor for everyone else.  Helping them with their problems and everyone forgetting about your own. It would've been easier to take you, but then again you're as useless to me as you are to your friends." he tells her. This is enough to put her off when she throws her chem ball at him, allowing him to hit it back at her with his bat trapping her instead.

"This was fun, but I must be going now. I hope to see you guys again soon, so I can beat you again." he says, picking up Gogo and walking away. I try to fly after him on Baymax, but his wings are broken. I run after him instead as he gets into his car and drives off with Gogo. I fall to my knees as I see him drive off and start crying.  Wasabi frees Honey Lemon and they all come over and give me a hug, but that's not able to heal my pain.  Once again someone I love is taken right in front of me, and once again I should've done more to save them.  As the others try to comfort me I just keep crying knowing I've failed her.  "She's gone." I whimper, and I don't know if I can get her back.

Inner Peace: A sequel to Left AloneWhere stories live. Discover now