[25] "Sunflowers"

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     I NIBBLE on my lip, fiddling with my hair. I don't know why I'm so nervous, but I just...am. Ever since we kissed, I can't necessarily turn everything off. I still flick my eyes to my phone whenever it buzzes, just checking for a text from him.

     But then I feel guilty...because Kade and Grant are in the picture too. Three guys waiting to see what I say and I still have no clue what's going on in my head. Grant is my best friend other than Kendra. We know each other like we know ourselves and that's what makes everything so seamless—so easy. He's been there for me and helped me in ways I haven't appreciated enough. He's also a great guy that would be perfect if I wasn't so confused.

     Kade isn't someone I know well. In the situation with him, it's more classic dating to see if things work and getting to know each other. After that a decision is made and we see if things pan out. There's no previous feelings and there's no predetermined friendship. It's all new.

     And then there's Archer. I've known him for about as long as I've known Grant, but we definitely haven't been friends all this time. We were close in middle school—closer than I would've thought people like us would ever be. He truly was someone I really enjoyed being at school with. He was also my first crush.

     And then high school hit and the rest is history. Archer grew into the cliques and he also became someone everyone feared—someone I was terrified of. I saw the caring boy from middle school turn into the kid that gets sent to detention for brawling with another student. After the murder rumors began to spread, Archer's reputation flew. I knew his father was into some sketchy business and I hadn't questioned it since it seemed Archer was maturing along the same path.

     But there's one moment I'll never forget.

     I saw Archer and his dad argue. I saw his mom get in the middle of it and inevitably get hurt. I saw the killer look in Archer's eyes. I saw him throw the first punch. And I saw him end that fight as well.

     I shiver at the thought. I wasn't supposed to be snooping but I heard the shouting coming from down the street as I was walking home. The curious, but stupid, part of me was drawn towards—

     The doorbell rings cutting off the rabbit hole my mind wandered down.

     I race down the steps in order to beat anyone that might be home right now. I glance in the mirror in the foyer at my blank outfit. Would mom jeans and a black fitted lace-trimmed tank top cut it? I thought I looked kinda hot but—

     Without another thought I swung open the door, and upon seeing Archer my emotions squeezed. He was holding a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers.

     "Hey, little dove," he greeted.

     I was speechless. Never in my life did I think Archer Cross would be trying to impress me.

     At my silence, he lost a little confidence and I saw his cocky exterior falter. Was he really nervous about my opinion? Did I actually get under his skin a little bit?

     "A-Archer these are gorgeous," I say as he hands the flowers over.

     "I'd hoped you would like them," he nods.

     "Here, c'mon in and I'll put them in some water," I say and move from blocking the doorway.

     He steps inside, mask in place as his cold exterior pops back up. I lead him to the kitchen although he already knows the way. The vases are stored in the cabinet above the refrigerator and I stretch to open it. I brush the underside of the cabinet door, but can't seem to get a good enough grip to open it all the way—

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