Chapter 1

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A/N I don't own any of these characters all ownership go to Jeff Davis and MTV,so this is my first book I don't know when I will update but I'm open to ideas also I may or may not include anything from TVD universe and if I do it will be from Legacies.


Nolan a woke to the feel of an arm around him and he couldn't help but smile at the warmth of Gabe's touch,as he adjusted his eyes to the morning sunlight he slowly turned around to see Gabe wide awake staring at him, a small smile appeared on his face and Gabe smiled back.

Morning: said Gabe

Good Morning: said Nolan

Oh crap what time is it,I Gotta go: Gabe said as he started to sit up

Oh: said Nolan with a small frown on his face

Nolan I'm just kidding: said Gabe as he let out a small laugh and looked down at Nolan who looked confused

Where you really upset that I was gonna go: said Gabe

No: said Nolan who was blushing a little

Hey so there's something,I wanna tell you: said Gabe

Okay: Nolan said slowly,as he sat up

Ok so I don't want you to think I'm crazy or anything and I know we've only been dating for a week but Gabe said stuttering a bit at the end

You what: said Nolan with his full attention on Gabe

Ok: Gabe said as he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly and only saying three words

"I Love You"

The room fell silent,Nolan was completely shocked at Gabe's words and all he could do was stare at him.With Nolan still silent Gabe started to regret ever saying anything and his expression soon turned into a frown.I'm sorry shouldn't have said anything I'm...a..I'm just gonna go:Gabe said stuttering a bit and starting to get up and leave. Nolan soon snapped back to reality as he noticed Gabe getting ready to leave, so Nolan quickly grabbed Gabe and pulled him back in his seat and without any time to waste Nolan crashed his lips into Gabe's, the kiss being long and full of passion and love.

After a long make out session the two separated both of them breathing heavily for air with smiles on their faces,and Nolan who was still heavily breathing looked into Gabe's eyes and only said four words.

I Love You Too:  Nolan said and Gabe's smile grew even bigger and he reconnected his lips with Nolan's who without hesitation kissed back, the kiss being long,passionate and full of love.

End of flashback

Nolan's P.O.V.

Nolan woke up sweating and panting for air as he started to search his room for a sign of any one else and after a few minutes he soon realized he was alone "thank god it was just a dream" he said to himself and soon he started to cry knowing it in fact wasn't a dream but a memory. A memory of a week before everything happened, before the war with the hunters,before the Anuk-ite and before so many people died.
                                                                                      I'm sorry, I'm so sorry:Nolan said to himself

This is all my fault it's because of me this all happened, it's because of me your gone: Nolan thought as he started to cry more.

Nolan never stopped blaming himself for what happened even tho he knew he was being influenced by the Anuk-ite and Monroe,he still blamed himself.It's funny tho because before he exposed Corey when he stabbed he's hand in the library that week was when Gabe was going to come out and tell everyone he is well was gay,it's wasn't that big of a deal for Nolan because everyone already knows he's bi but Gabe was always scared to tell people but for Nolan he would have done anything for.

Then it happened Nolan had exposed the pack and turned the lacrosse team against Liam and it's also when he noticed the change in Gabe it's like he had become a completely different person,but even tho Gabe had changed Nolan could still see that he loved him and wanted to keep him safe like when he told Monroe it was Nolan who shut up Scott's house when it was really Gabe,Nolan new that Gabe said that to protect him and keep Monroe from killing him that's how he new Gabe still loved him even if it was pretty bad way of showing it.

Then there was the fight at the hospital Nolan had teamed up with Liam to try and stop Gabe and the other hunters from killing anyone else but he was to late,Gabe and the other hunters we're already shooting up the hospital and when he so him with that gun in his hands and that look in his eyes, it sent shivers down Nolan's spine he couldn't even recognize the man he loved.It's like Gabe was gone and replaced with so much anger and rage and when Nolan thought that things couldn't get any worse his heart broke into a million pieces as he saw Gabe crawling to the wall leaving atrial of blood behind and start to cry from all the pain.It hurt Nolan to see Gabe in so much pain he wanted nothing more than to hold on to him for dear life and never let go,but he couldn't as much as he wanted to he just couldn't it's like there was something inside of him that was keeping him from moving something that told him he was just supposed to watch as death unfolds and it hurt so much to do so.It wasn't as bad as it could have been tho Nolan thought remembering how relived he was when he saw Theo take Gabe's pain away at first he thought Theo was going to kill him but he was wrong and so was every when else,instead of killing someone who wanted nothing more then to kill him Theo gave Gabe some peace in his final moments.

It funny from what Nolan new people always called Theo a monster but when Nolan saw what he did for Gabe,he did not see a monster he saw a survivor someone who experienced a lot of pain and who was broken in side but not a monster.

"I'm so sorry Gabe I wish I could take all back but I can't"I said to myself the worst part of it all is that Gabe died thinking I didn't love him any more cause I wasn't there to comfort him.

As Nolan took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly he laid back down still crying trying to go back to sleep "I'm sorry Gabe I never stopped loving you"and after that Nolan finally fell asleep.

Wow so that's my first chapter hope you like it,also in this story Melissa and Chris didn't get to gather and neuter did Scott and Malia I just never really ship them

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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