On New Grounds {Chapter 1}

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Y/N walked through the dusty dry wind blowing loudly around the empty dirt ground. "Shit, I need to find somewhere to lie low for a while- " I ran towards up an empty tall building. Or what's left of one. Y/N climbed into an open broken window taking their large backpack and placing it down on the cold rocky dirt ground of the building the sun was just setting. As the wind in the air picked up heavily blowing more sandy air around. "Ugh. When will this storm end? I barely have anything left to keep myself going. I'm going to die here. I can't even get a phone signal from here."

Y/N sighed slowly sliding down the wall "I have failed you Skittles. I hope your family is okay. By the time I get there." Y/N softly mumbled to themselves with small sobs escaping their mouth and tears running down their soft cheeks. Holding their legs together in a fetal position, using their backpack as a pillow and their black leather jacket as a blanket for the night until the crazy storm outside died down the next morning.

Being in an apocalypse sucked, everything has gone to shit nothing but old broken down building structures and houses around the area after the war broke out. Y/N had no other family members left. Y/N had planned to meet with Skittles. An old friend of theirs back in high school. Y/N somehow managed to reached across to call Skittles to his surprise. He thought Y/N died with the rest of the people in their neighbourhood.

Skittles had moved before the apocalypse outbreak started he lived almost another couple miles down with his family and Skittles was more than happy for Y/N to come over, of course, his father didn't really have a car but it was slow so Y/N and Skittles talked on their phones planning were to meet up and where.

But Y/N didn't know it would be this hard in the middle of nothingness just to reach him but Y/N could sometimes hear the sounds of tanks go against each other but wasn't sure who. Or even bother to check what's going on when it happened.

But one thing Y/N was thankful for was staying alive. That's all that matters the most. Staying alive. Y/N slowly closed their eyes soon seeing nothing but darkness. Slowly fading away, it was peaceful with the sounds of crows that could be heard from afar.

Y/N woke up to the awful sound of someone yelling and shouting out loud while pointing a gun at them. "WHO ARE YOU. AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN A MILITARY BASE." Y/N saw a man in military uniform with green night-vision goggles yelling back. Y/N was shaken with an aching tone to their voice as they spoke. Slowly trying to process what's happening after being woken up all of a sudden.

"Sir- I'm- I'm just a civilian. Please don't shoot. I'm just meeting up with an old friend of mine." I somewhat managed to find my words as I placed my hands above my head trying to convince the man I meant no harm. Until I heard someone running up the steps in the building another man in a military uniform. And the same outfit but his goggles were round and white. His facial expression in clear distress.

"HEY, SNIPER. stop! Stop. Remember what Captain said don't go shooting random civilians... unless they are the enemy." the shorter one sighed heavily as he kneeled down at my level, he placed his hand on my arm and slowly moved my arms down from my head. "Hey... it's okay we are not going to hurt you. Or at least I'm not." The man added, laughing slightly at his own joke. I brushed off my arms and legs taking my jacket and placing it around myself. The second man pulled me up by my arm. Facing the circle goggled man.

"Sorry for not saying my name first. How rude, I- I'm Steve that's Sniper." He said pointing to himself and at the taller man next to me on the left. The man named 'Sniper' gripping his gun close to his chest with a slight smirk on his lips. Steve helped Y/N and slowly walked downstairs outside of the building with Sniper close behind slightly hitting them with the end of his gun on their back every few seconds "move it, princess we don't have all day." He spoke angrily as I speeded up. Walking closer to Steve holding his arm out of panic. I clearly don't want to get on his bad side.

T̳r̳i̳g̳g̳e̳r̳ ̳f̳i̳n̳g̳e̳r̳s̳ {Tankmen X Reader Captain/Steve/Sniper}Where stories live. Discover now