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                        love such a strong word

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                        love such a strong word..

"h-how did she f-find out..?" Suna Questions
Breaking The hug As The Three Of You Sit on The Hotel Bathroom floor, "I-i gave a hint i guess.. and She figured it out-" You start "Rina How do you f-feel about it" Suna Asks Staring at the child

In Response She Only shrugs "mm no care" With that she Walks away Leaving The two of You dumbfounded 'she doesn't care' You and Suna think

"Uhm Well.. Did You want to you know, Take Her too The park or..?" You say Getting up "Mhm Her stroller Is in the kitchen area just tell me when ur ready" Suna says Getting Up as well, Walking Towards The bedroom, "uh huh" You mumble



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milf? (Suna x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now