The Show

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You were panting as sweat dripped down your face, you were running as fast as you could. Your legs ached and hurt, but you had to make it in time for the concert. You skidded across the dirt ground bolting into the festival, bright neon lights blinded you. Weaving your way through the crowd you accidentally bumped into people here and there, some cursed at you, some just gave you a dirty look, but you did not care, you paid money for this god damn concert and you sure weren't going to miss it especially because THE Checkdaii was playing tonight. You twisted and turned, falling over a few times and sooner or later you burst through the other side of the festive crowd. You ducked under the 'do not cross' tape that sectioned off the festive activities from the metal fence. A police officer yelled at you, but you climbed over the fence, the officer reached out to grab your ankle, but you fell over the top and landed on the grass that was on the other side. Standing up and looking around the calm field of grass, you spotted the dim lights and you fucking started bolting again you sonic'd or some shit. The chattering, screaming, and bright lights slowly disappeared as you neared the small lit up area. Your running came to a stop as a smile grew on your face spotting the underground artist. Checkdaii wasn't that well known in the musical community but his career was growing and you were so glad he was doing well, even though you wished he didn't get many fans because you enjoy his music A LOT and you didn't want him to change by the views of people, but you cant choose his life decisions or how many people end up liking his music and I mean who wouldn't like his music. He was a really nice guy. You actually went to another 'concert' (its not really a concert but you liked to call it that) of his and you got to say hi to him you also got a picture! You looked around at the somewhat big crowd of people looking for your friend, you were spinning around in circles until-

"Y/N!" you turned towards the sound of your name and spotted your best friend.
"(B/F/N)!" (b/f/n means 'best friends name') you yelled back.

You slowly made your way over to them. You sat down on the medium sized picnic blanket that had a cooler and a basket. You two talked and ate Popeyes fried chicken that (b/f/n) bought for the both of you. You opened the cooler and pulled out a Dr pepper, you opened it taking a sip. OH HOW YOU LOVED DR PEPPER. The sweet taste of Dr pepper smoothly going down your throat, the cool metal touching your lips chilling you to the bone. You loved it and it so happened to be a certain guitarist's favourite drink. You were so happy that your mom let you go to this concert. You and your friend talked for a bit before  the lights on the stage turned on. (b/f/n) squealed quietly beside you, you smiled excitedly, the whole crowd was quiet (except for a few people talking here and there) and as soon as a shadowed figure appeared on the stage everyone was screaming and squealing, including you. You watched intrigued as it went silent again the nice sound of the acoustic guitar played and your eyes lit up, he was playing his new song called sweet. It was such a calm song and it made your chest flutter. You had a crush on check but most people in the fan base did so it wasn't a surprise. The slow song came to and end as the whole crowd cheered, some even squealed and fainted. You were basically crying until you had an amazing idea. 

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