Chapter 16

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It was finally the first day of Hogwarts! Azalea,with her new cat Moon,set off with Lisa to the King's cross express early in the morning.(Moon was found in the street by Azalea,abandoned by her former owner) Madame B had told them how to get into the platform 9 3/4(run into the wall between platform 9 and 10). When they got there,they saw a red headed family,with a fat woman at the head,loudly complaining  for the whole world to hear how the platform was filled with muggles. Azalea whispered to Lisa "Let's stay away,she's rude and obnoxious. " Lisa agreed and the two quickly went on the platform and found an empty seat on the Hogwarts Express. They bumped into Draco on the train, and Azalea quickly introduced Lisa and Draco to each other.

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