Meet Myles and Olivia

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Mira: Now, may I introduce...Olivia!! Daughter of Athena and a proud Slytherin!! 

Olivia: OMG!! My fave characters! All in one place!! AIIIEEE!! *high pitched squealing*

Fred and George: IT BURNS!!

Olivia: Oh my gawd!! Well, I like, have some dares for you! All the girls, dress up as Powerangers, all you guys, dress as sailors!

Leo: *facepalm* Who am I, Popeye?


Ginny: Do these "Powerangers" have awesome weapons?

Annabeth: Like hell! Don't forget the bulky but classy metal suits of armour!

Ginny: Sweet!! I'm sold!

Hermione: This does not sound like my fortè.

Piper: Neither mine. Mum would kill me if I messed up my hair!

Annabeth: We have wizards here, Pipes.

Piper: Right. K, I'm in! Come on, 'Mione! It's not like you have a choice, anyway.

Hermione: I guess it is advisable to follow the orders of the higher power, rather than be humiliated publicly more than once. Wait, that doesn't sound right..


(they appear as Powerangers and sailors)

Harry: Woah! I look hot as a sailor!

Ginny: I agree. 

Harry: You look.........sweet, Gin.

Ginny: SWEET?!

Harry: Uh-uh I meant sexy, powerful sweet!! 

Ginny: Hmm..

Ron: I look like a girl!! 

(Everyone stares at Ron and realises that he's wearing a dress)

Mira: Just a little touch I added...

Olivia: Mia?! OMG, why would you do that!?

Mia: It's MIRA.

Olivia: It doesn't matter!! You are so, like, mean!!

Mira: Oh god. Is this the real Olivia? Daughter of Athena and Slytherin?! What?!-(sees Olivia doubled up laughing)

Olivia: God, no! I would never act like that! Athena and the Slytherin house would disown me!

Mira: *sighs with relief*

Fred: Whyyyyy

Olivia: Just wanted to have some fun. Hello sister!

Annabeth: Hm?

Olivia: Up for a little (Or a lot of) singing?

Annabeth: No,

Olivia: Well too bad!! You'll be doing quite a lot of it!! Let's see..You will be going to Voldemort's evil lair and sing to him and his Death Eaters!! Your songs are..The Hanging Tree, The Villian Medley, LOTR and HP in 99 seconds (A/N If you haven't listened and watched these, PLEASE do so) .

Annabeth: DAMN YOU! (disappears)

Mira: Ok, Olivia. Time to go. 

Olivia: But I have so many more dares!
Mira: Yes, but I have a whole frickin queue of people here. Chop chop. Now, presenting Myles son of Aphrodite!

Girls in the room: *faint*

Boys in the room: *glare*

Myles: Hello, pretty ladies. (charmspeak)

Truth or Dare: Harry Potter and Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now