One on One

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That handsome face is still staring right at me. Almost as if he's waiting for me to welcome him into my room. As more seconds pass by a smirk slowly grows on his young but mature face. That short but sexily tussled blonde hair, those dark hued blue eyes with a glint of mischief, strong and high cheekbones, lightly tanned skin covering his muscled body, his firm but soft looking lips that are currently lifted at one corner in an attractive smirk.

Ugh he is so fine as hell...I'm still scared out of my mind, but damn if all ghosts looked like this...

I nervously try to reason with him "Don't kill me? I mean it's not that I wouldn't mind dying by your gorgeous hands, but my family and my roommate will be really sad and broken..."

His smirk slowly grows into one of the sexiest smiles I have ever seen as he slowly makes his way towards me. His steps actually make noise as he takes very slow progress toward me.

I start to feel shivers running up and down my arms as he continues to make his way to me. Should I run? Won't he catch me if I even tried? He blocked my path to the door and I left my phone on the kitchen counter to charge. What would he do if he caught me?I steeled myself as I made my final decision.

I was never one to go down without a fight.

His grin was becoming cocky as he stood less than 5 feet away now. He looked more life-like this close, and I swear I could hear his light breathing. Is that delicious scent coming from him? A rugged earthy smell, with a hint of something sweet. MMM, dark amber.

I always focused on how guys smell. Weird I know, but how a guy smells is a major turn on to me.

Standing directly infront of me I can feel his body heat. Goose bumps are move down my body. I stand chest to chest with him now. I wasn't going to let him intimadate me hot ghost or not. I stood proudly but tense in my fitted white tank, cheetah satin shorts and fuzzy cheetah print slippers.

I heard his words direclty in my mind when he said, Who said I was going to kill you? You are easily the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. And trust me, I've seen some beautiful women in my time.

Oh just my luck, I'm being haunted by a cocky douchebag...Like there aren't enough already.

"Look, whatever you are trying to do right now won't work. My roommate and I just moved in today and you can't be here anymore. You need to move on now. I dont know where you are going to go next but I know this isn't your world anymore. " I tried to sound confident but there was a slight wavering towards the end. Was there a certain script to follow to lead someone to the other worl-

He bursts out in a deep baratone laugh that makes my toes curl in my slippers. He reaches out his big strong hands and extends his long thick fingers. A gasp is ripped from my throat when I feel his big warm calloused hands on either sides of my face. He leans down bringing his head down to my level.

Tell me beauty. Do you still think I'm a ghost?

I take an unsteady gulp. I can feel him! I can hear him breathing!

Panic slowly burns from my chest to the rest of my body. My pulse speeds up and my breathing drowns his out. It sounds like my heart beat is drowning out everything.

The steady rain outside my window is suddenly split by a bright flash of lightning that briefly illluminates my incomplete room. The lamp goes dark right after the lightning strike plunging the room into darkness.

I had see a brief glimpse of the almost painfully attractive man looking straight at my lips. He gently pulls me closer to me til our bodies are flush against eachother. A blush slowly creeps onto my cheeks. No no this is a complete stranger, he is not attractive to me and I don't want him. He is not human and that is a big NO.

Why are you afraid my beauty? It's me who should be afraid of you, you are making me feel too good. Your warm soft skin smells just like chocolate and I'm barely holding myself back from tasting that chocolate and having you riding my face.

I feel his hardened length against my lower stomach and I immediately moan at how hot his long hard length feels against my thin tank top. Quickly I back away from him and move towards the window. Hell maybe its about time I learn how to use the fire escape. I grab a hold of the latch and lift up the glass. Glancing down I see a very small un-safe looking rusty platform and an even rustier ladder attatched to it. I silently curse under my breath.

Two strong muscular arms wrap themselves around me one behind my back while the other goes behind my knees. They lift me from the ground and I am held up suspended in the air bridal style. I let out a very loud squeal as I look up in the darkness that is hiding his face from my view. 

Come now, we both know you aren't going to try to esape out the window. And even if you somehow managed to actually get that far that ladder can't be safe to use anymore.

Scared he might drop me I wrap my arms around his chest and dig my nails into his back. He lets out a moan in his deep baritone voice and it makes an ache grows between my legs. Oh fuck, he is so so sexy. It ain't even right.

He tosses me onto my red satin sheets and immediately follows and lays himself on top of me. He grabs both of my wrists in a firm grip above my head while his other hand lights a fire under my skin. The ache between my thighs grows into an unbearable throb as his free hand glides down the side of my chest and finds my full breasts spilling from the top of my bra because of my accelerated breathing. I will myself to scream out for help, but I know deep down that if I open my mouth I will cry out in pleasure.

He rips the middle of my white tank top so it splits down the middle. His gaze burns as he takes in my pale pink bra that sharply contrasts my caramel complexion. His breath hissess out as he pulls my bra cup down and before I can protest his tounge darts out and makes a trail around my hardend nipple. My face contorts in pleasure as my back lifts off the bed.

I moan out loud as he slowly sucks my nipple onto his warm wet tounge. He roughly sucks and tugs on my nipple as his free hand trails down to my shorts. He rubs his fingers against the crotch of my shorts then slides his hand under the waist band. He presses himself even closer to my now heated and squirmming body and with a quick snap i hear him rip my panties off as well as my shorts.

When his fingers finally meet my now sensitive pussy I let out my loudest moan yet. He groans against my nipple and I can feel the sensations down to my toes.

Without thinking about what I was saying or meant by it, the most dangerous word of all slipped past my lips. We lock eyes and I lick my lips quickly. I open my mouth to tell him to stop, then I hear a completely different word come out



I know I know I had to do it though! I have no idea how you are liking it? Is this any good to you? Because i personally wish I was her. God damn haha

Anywho, please feel free to give me feedback! 

Thanks for reading you naughty bunch (; 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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