On My Mind

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_Lia Marten_

"You wasted all your time. You didn't mean it. Stole what was mine, I didn't need it. Now all our dreams are gone. And your're the reason. You're looking at me all wrong, you call it treason..."

I open my eyes as my earphone is pulled out of my ear. I look around for the culprit and sit up when I see no one in the room with me. I lay back down and try to calm my nervous heart. Don't think about it...Don't think about it...

Keeping your eyes closed doesn't keep you from seeing the visions baby. I'm real and your denial can't keep me away.

I sat up so fast my head spun a little bit. Had I just heard that...in my head? No. No I couldn't have. I move to the side of the bed and slip my feet in my slippers. I lift my hand to turn on the lamp. The light chases the darkness from the corners of my room. I scan my eyes around the room without meaning to and I find everything in its rightful place. 

Maybe I should sleep with the lights on tonight, I thought to my calming nerves and heart. 

My room has only a bed in it with boxes cluttered around the edges of my room and a few pictures and posters hung on the wall. I walk to the wall and see four smiles coming at me from the frame. My mom, dad, and younger versions of my brother and I. 

I knew that moving out was going to be tough but I had to do it. I had grown up my whole life with everything handed to me. I could no longer sit back and let my life be handed to me by someone else. Moving out with my bestfriend Marlene had been the best decision I had ever made. I have never been closer to another human being on this planet. We have been bestfriends since we were in preschool a total of 15 years almost 16 years. We were both about to turn 19 this May and we were already trying to plan it out.

I was startled out of my daze to hear something crash to my left and I see a picture frame on the floor with cracked glass laying all around it. Out of my peripherial vision I see a rippling in the air. I blink hard twice willing myself to be hallucinating. I crack open my left eye  and see a faint glimpse of the most handsome face I've ever seen in my life. The face had one raised eyebrow at my one eyed look, until I slowly open both my eyes. The rest of him slowly blurs into vision. His tall 6'1 figure has me gasping lowly. His muscled arms and chest strain against his dark colored shirt and his long powerful looking legs are nicely displayed in his straight leg jeans. I slowly trail my eyes back up to his and moan quietly under my breath.  His dark blue eyes were locked onto mine showing nothing but untamed lust. He lifts his eyebrow in invitation, eyes still locked on mine, as he slowly licks his bottom lip.

He can't be real, I will never stay up late again...


Hello fellow Wattpaders! This is my second attempt at writing a book and yes I will do my best to update as often as possible! I'm a full time student and trying to keep everything steady. Just as a precaution:


Those of you who weren't scared off by that (haha)  I hope you like the story i got here for you(;

There is nothing I like more than a good erotic/romance, what about YOU? (;


I'd love to hear from all my readers message or comment me any ideas or anything at all that you would like to tell me and i'll give you special chapter dedications!! I really love talking to my readers so don't be a stranger

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