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Name: Rayfoot

Good name

Gender: Female


Rank: Guard


Sexuality: Lesbian


Clan: MistClan


Clan info: MistClan is the largest of the three clans in the forest. They are known for having magical things, though they keep this in a second camp in the mountains because some can be used for evil and some can injure or kill a cat. They are also omnivores. They also have a lot of prisoners. MistClan cats usually call each other by their suffix or full name, while a close family might call them by their prefix.

Very good description!

Mate: Reedwing (dead) - A white she-cat with brown eyes with a flower on her right ear


Looks: Short brown-furred she-cat with green eyes. She is lean and has a masculine appearance. She has a short till and a faded scar on her flank.

She sounds very pretty!

Kits: n/a


Backstory: Raykit was born to Pinknose and Flowerclaw. Her kithood and apprenticeship were normal. When she became a guard, she became mates with Reedwing. She became insane to guard and redash a half cat-half fox hybrid who could control mines. A few days later Redash escaped the mountains and killed Reedwng in front of Rayfoot. Starting that day, she vowed to take revenge on her mate's death.


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