chapter one

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After the war ended everyone was at peace, no more evil, no more wrong, ( wrong as in evil wrong) no more fighting and no more horde, everyone was happy, glimmer and bow finally got together after all that obvious time, they known each other for a long time they didn't necessarily really needed to date but they decided it would be better if they did, catra and adora were both happy and didn't every really spend any time apart, later on they got married and lived in brightmoon.

Adora's POV:

"CATRA!!!" Ugh, I swear she's going to kill us one day!, and when I said we can go try the new skeet doesn't mean lets go reck and die "CATRA!!!!" stubborn as always, she doesn't listen to me, "CATRA!!!!" just as I yelled her name we swerved around a big tree and it almost knocked me off "WHAT!" she yelled turning back to look at me but then, OOF!, and just as I told you we both fell off cause she was driving like a maniac, my head went black and all I could hear was someone calling my name,

"Adora!" I wasn't catra,... it was someone else, "Adora!", I opened my eyes a little but everything was blurry, somebody kneeled beside me and lean into my face, all I could see was the outline of their shoulders to their head, "adora" I blinked once and the person was gone, all I saw was catra in my face and yelling my name "Adora!!" ugh, aw man I must've fallen hard, I sat up and catra instantly hugged me, "Adora!, your ok!" she let out a sigh of relief like I almost died, funny cause once I almost did die , yeah ill tell you later, "where are we?"

She looked around and scanned the area, "We're still in the whispering woods and its not a long way back to brightmoon" she helped me up and I brushed myself off, "Are you ok? are you hurt?" yea, I just fell out of a skeet in the air and heard voices, couldn't be better, hmph " Yea, no thanks to your driving" she had a shocked look on her face, "No thanks to my driving, it was you who distracted me!, and I can drive better than you" haha, good one catra, you really want to start this right now "I didn't distract you!, I called your name cause you were driving crazy!"

She opened her mouth to protest but then shuted it, she just did and arietitid grunt and crossed her arms, "cmon, we should get back to bright moon, glimmer is going to be mad when she finds out that we crashed the skeet" I looked at her shocked, I did not just hear her say "we" cause I didn't crash it, she was the one who was driving, "We!?, you were the one who was driving!" she let out a huff and then stared to walk in a direction,

We got to the castle before dark and was greeted by a not so happy glimmer and a worried bow, "WHERE HAVE YOU BOTH BEEN!!!" umm..., hehe, do you really want to know " AND WHY ARE YOU BOTH MESSY!?" me and catra both looked at each other then looked at the ground, I was trying to think of how to explain to glimmer that the skeet was in pieces in the whispering woods, but then bow stepped forward from behind glimmer

"well, I'm glad that both of yall are ok but what happened?" well at least bow is concerned "umm well.... we accidentally crashed the skeet, we had to walk back" catra looked at me and blushed, I think it because I said "we" instead of putting all the blame on her, glimmer instantly hugged us both tightly and then bow came for a hug "I'm, so glad that the both of yall are safe!" she let go and stepped back, she looked like she was at the verge of crying

"you're not mad that we crashed the skeet?" she smiled and then huffed a chuckle "of course not silly, a skeet can be replaced, the both of you cant, you two are my friends and I cant imagine what ill do if something happened to either of you" the words were very comforting and I was glad that she included catra and considered her a friend, even after all of the things she did, but that was like 13 yrs ago so we're fine, from behind bow came back from some where, I didn't even know he left, he had some one behind him "Moms!, you're back!".

Finn ran into our arms and squeezed, "Where were yall?, I was so worried, I didn't know if yall were hurt or stranded, yall never stay out this late without telling someone!" finn said worriedly, btw Finn is our daughter, and yes, we have a daughter, don't ask how, catra put a hand on they're shoulder and assured them that everything was ok "haha, hey, if you knew what we went through a while ago then you wouldn't be so worried" they stepped back and raised and eye brow, "how long ago?" I was sort of shocked that they asked, we all looked at each other and we all were thinking the same thing"umm, a while ago" they didn't looked convinced, they got the Im-going-to-get-an-answer-here-and-now genes from me but luckily they're not very good at it, "a while is a while" they crossed their arms and squinted at me, they still wasn't convinced but they left it alone, "cmon guys, we still have dinner, you came back just in time" bow lead the way to the dining room and I was hungry.

(plss check out catra and Adora's daughter Finn if you don't know who she is, all you have to type is "catradora Finn" plss at least consider doing it, oh and Finn is non binary so she is referred to as they/them) thx(;

"Adora" the voice, its the voice from the woods, "Adora" the voice called my name and there was a light that shown brightly in my face, I squinted trying to adjust my eyed to where I can see but all I could see was a form of a person, "Adora" but then the light gone away and all that was left was darkness, now I'm in the whispering woods, the moon shown through the lightly cover branches of the trees, I was in a clearing in the middle of the forest,

"Adora, help, there's danger here, help Adora help" I was filled with fear and worry, what does it mean danger, danger is gone, at least I think its gone, "Adora, do what you need to do, they're here" they!, what does it mean by they, who is they, but all of a sudden something leapt out of the darkness and onto me, it was heavy and was very strong, it got off and went back into the shadows, I got to my feet and scanned the area, it was quiet but then it jumped on my back and knocked me over,

I managed to roll over to face the beast but when I did it instantly bit my face, I sat up in bed really quick, I was heavily breathing and it was hot, I felt sweat drip from my forehead to my face, I looked around and saw nothing, catra laying beside me still sleeping not even woken up, I remember its weight on my back and how strong it was, it was a very powerful creature I don't know how any one would be able to face it with out getting knocked over, when I faced the creature I didn't see what it was but I sneaked a glance around, all I noticed was that there were more of its kind circling around it, with deep colorful glowing eyes, I tried to go back to sleep but all I could do was lay there awake.

Glimmer made breakfast for us and it wasn't horrible today, we had omelets with hash browns, it wasn't great but it wasn't as bad as the other times she cooked for us, those were sad memories, everyone ate while I sort of ate while playing with my food, after those dreams I had last night I wouldn't be able to eat for a long time, catra looked at me concerned, I guess she noticed that I wasn't eating "hey, are you ok?" she put a hand on my shoulder and then bow and glimmer noticed too,

"yeah, I'm good, I'm not hungry right now, sorry glimmer, its not the food its just my stomach being stubborn" she didn't even seemed to care if it was the food or not the food, Finn came in and sat at their usual spot, they noticed everyone's eyes were on me and looked at me too "is everything ok?, is someone sick?" they started to eat their omelet and everyone else started back on their own food,

"yes, everything is alright and no, no one is sick" I just don't feel hungry, is that a big problem?, great, all I need is the whole kingdom to worry about me "ok, if you say so" Finn talked with their mouth slightly full, I need to find out what that thing was in my dream but I cant let anyone know about it no matter what, even if I takes me not eating for a week, no one cant get involved, as once as I know what it is then I'll tell the others but no on can get hurt while doing it.

Hey, if your reading this then you've read this, thx for doing that, ill be very surprised if someone actually does, so ill try to update as often as I could but with school and basketball practice, it might be a little longer than expected, but I will update on Saturdays no doubt, if I don't then ill tell you in advanced, thx. peace:3

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