Chapter 2 - Attack

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A/n  Hi! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. This is less of the backstory and more into the action now. I'm currently self isolating so hopefully I will be able to update again soon. :)

Enjoy reading!

Word Count: 884

It had been a whole 2 week since y/n had left her home base to visit the rest of the HYDRA bases in Europe (her home base was in England). Her mum welcomed her home with open arms, happy to be able to see her daughter again. Y/n mum had made her some pasta, which she thoroughly enjoyed before retiring to bed for the night. The 2 weeks had been exhausting. 14 bases in 14 days.... 1 base everyday. It overwhelmed Y/n to know that there was 14 she had to take down when she finally escaped. She couldn't do it on her own, even without her powers. Y/n knew she needed someone to help her take them down. She knew the Avengers could help but how was she going to get in contact with them? Y/n doesn't have a mobile phone and she can't ring the avengers, like she had their number anyways, so she had to come up with a plan and fast. 

2 months past and it was the day of y/n's 15th birthday. She was excited to see what cool weapons she got from Zola and what flavour the cake was going to be. Although y/n lived in a HYDRA base, she has regular holidays like christmas and halloween (super scary in the base) so she felt a sense of normality in her life, it made her feel 'normal'. Of course Zola got her some weapons, pink pistols to be exact, which your mother wasn't very happy with, but your impeccable aim made her a bit happier. It was time to blow out your candles of your red velvet cake (your favourite type of cake) and you cut you and your mother some cake before saying 'Thank you grandfather, this cake is so yummy' with a smile on your face. He might be a villain but he sure know what you like. 'No problem sweet child, I know you would enjoy it' he replied beaming at you. As soon as you and your mum left to go back to your living quarters, a massive explosion happened at the other side of the base. You know you should be scared because people were going to get killed and the place you lived was under attack, but you were quite happy because that meant one thing, the avengers were here (the original avengers at this time. Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk and Black Widow). Y/n took her mum to the living room and hid behind the sofa while the footsteps got closer and closer to the door. It was your father, he snatched your mum away from you and dragged her across the floor to be his human shield. Zola came running in to try and stop him and you grabbed your pink pistol, ready to aim it at anyone who put your mother's life at risk. Iron Man flew into the room and grabbed your mother away from your dad and sat her down next to you. Him and your dad started fighting while Zola grabbed your mother round her neck and brought her into the middle of the room. 'Stop fighting and tell your friends to leave or I shoot her, and her' Zola said, pointing to you. You were super scared, not for your own life, but for your mum's. Y/n grabbed her gun and pointed it to Zola. 'If you don't let her go now, I will shoot you' y/n cried. 'Don't you think your father will shoot her instead if you kill me, y/n?' Zola remarked back to you. As tears rolled down your eyes, your dad looked at you with a gun pointing at your mother's head and you looked towards Iron Man for some guidance. Iron Man gave you a nod and you looked back to Zola and Iron Man shot your dad with his hand repulser. Y/n however, was too slow and Zola shot your mother. As you screamed for her, you shot Zola square in the middle of the eyes as you cried your eyes out. 'Best birthday ever' you mumbled to yourself as Iron Man walked over to you and gave you a hug. 'I know how you feel, I lost both my parents too' He replied. The two of you sat on the floor for a while until you heard Black Widow over the comms say 'we have cleared all the guards, the bombs are set, get out of there' 'Just wait a second please. I have something to give to you.' you said to Iron Man and walked into your room, grabbed your notebook and backpack and gave it to Iron Man. 'Here you go Iron Man' you said, handing it over. 'You can call me Tony, what's your name?' 'Y/n and i'm an orphan' you said laughing. You always made jokes when you were scared or upset. 'Well thank you y/n. Come on lets get out of here' he said and grabbed you and took flew you out of the base and onto the Quinjet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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