I'm flipping out!

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Everly's P.O.V.

Well I just won some Black Veil Brides tickets off the radio! I'm so excited considering how nothing good really happens to me. My parents died when I was 16 and I ran away from my foster home with my best friend Jenn.

I can't wait because the concert is tonight and I don't even have to walk that far. I even got back stage passes. I'm worried I might like die when I see them or something but oh well. Anyway I should go tell Jenn!

Jenn's P.O.V.

"WHAT" I exclaimed as Everly told me about the tickets. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT WE GET TO MEET THEM" I shouted. Okay maybe I should calm down but I need to go get ready. The show is in like 2 hours and I needed to use the shower at the YMCA I guess. So I ran there with Everly and we washed up and got ready then set out to the concert hall.

When we got there we had to wait in this huge ass line. We ended up just cutting and saying that we were looking for our friends (Which we didn't have). Ever since we ran away to New york we haven't met many people. That's okay because Everly was all I needed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time lapse: 2 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Andy's P.O.V.

So we were supposed to meet up with some girls who got back stage passes. We heard a knock on the door to my dressing room and when I opened it I saw these beautiful girls. I invited them in and asked them their names. "Everly" the one on the right said. "J-Jenn" the one on the other side of Everly stuttered. The first thing I said to them was, "Nice war paint and clothes haha. You two look amazing." Everly ended up staring at me for a few minutes and then started to start a new conversation.

Everly's P.O.V.

"Andy, this is a great honor to be standing in your presents we don't usually get this lucky" I said not even meaning too. "What do you mean" he questioned. "I mean we don't have anything really and we don't even have a house. We just work and sleep at work" I said with a sad tone. "Well that's not right. You know you guys can come live with me and the guys. We don't mind" he said smiling. Wow he really wants us to come live with him. All the way in California. That is so sweet of him. "Sure" me and Jenn said in unison. He smiled and motioned us to the bus where we spent a whole day trying to get to Andy's house.

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