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previous chapter summary: Kate and Jo met at the bar after work and they ended up spending the night together

Kate wasn't entirely convinced that the previous night hadn't all been some strange fever dream. It wasn't until she rolled over and saw the sleeping form of her boss, with her hair draped generally over her face, that she even began to comprehend that it might have been real. The afterglow of the night before put her in an instant good mood, which would've lasted a lot longer had she not caught sight of the clock out of the corner of her eye. 10:30am! She was supposed to be in work at 8!

As much as she begrudged having to do so, the urgency of the situation had to take priority, she shook the woman next to her into consciousness frantically. She resented herself for disturbing Davidson when she looked so peaceful, but she knew that she'd only be in trouble if she left her sleeping any longer.
"Jo!" She hissed urgently, still gently shaking her shoulders in an attempt to wake her. "Jo!! It's 10:30!! We're late!" There was still no useful response from her sleeping boss, who rather than leaping into action rolled over and pulled Kate back under the covers. This resulted in a frustrated groan from the younger woman, who would have really preferred to stay next to Jo in bed, but also knew she would be risking both of their jobs if they didn't get to work soon.

She was at a complete loss for what to do. She'd been on the service for nearly 10 years and she'd never been late before, yet here she was, with her boss of all people, hungover and extremely, extremely behind schedule. She decided to get dressed, thinking this might buy her some time while she worked out what to do with Jo, who was murmuring adorable incoherent nonsense, and was still far from ready to face the day. However, having donned a suit and brushed her hair into somewhat less of a bird's nest, inspiration on how to handle Davidson was still yet to strike. She perched on the end of the bed, softly running her fingers through Jo's hair. She was mumbling something Kate couldn't quite hear, and smiling contentedly. The younger woman pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, and her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Well that was a nice way of saying good morning..."  Jo whispered softly with a smile. Kate wanted to be annoyed about their predicament, but Davidson looked so content, and she couldn't bring herself to be mad.
"Jesus, you sleep like a log!" Kate murmured. Jo looked confused.
"Not usually..." she admitted, biting her lip. "I don't think I've slept that well in years, I never normally feel safe..."
"Well you're always safe here," Kate pressed another kiss into her soft hair, realising how vulnerable and alone she had also felt before last night. "Our jobs, however, might not be safe," she tried to introduce the topic gently but Jo's eyes widened with panic. Kate pointed to the clock.

"FUCK, Kate you should've just left me! I'm a DCI, they'll give me the benefit of the doubt, but you could be given an official warning for being this late!!" Jo scolded.
"I didn't want to leave you on your own..." Kate whispered, slightly intimidated by the sudden outburst. There were people who'd do anything to hurt her, and she didn't want Jo to end up as collateral damage in her work.
"I know princess, I'm sorry..." she was pulled into a tight embrace, "I'll get ready now and think of a way of explaining this to the Super."

Kate was taken aback. She knew last night had been amazing, but she didn't want to give herself the hope that it could be any more than a one-night stand. But if Jo was still calling her princess...? Fuck it.
"Jo..." Her voice was trembling slightly. She hated things like this, where she was putting herself in a position of vulnerability, but she decided this was worth the risk. "Jo... I really like you. I don't want last night to be a one time thing. I know we can't be together officially because of work, but that's no reason we can't still enjoy each other's company... right?" Jo pulled Kate into a passionate kiss.
"Off the record, I'd like that very much."

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