birthday surprise part 2 ( OG )

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It was 23 Feb evening and you arrived London.
Omar escorted you to the hotel They were staying.  You were staying in a separate room and few stories higher from the other boys room,  so that OG will not See you.
"If you need any Help or any thing Just call me "Omar said
"Ya sure." You replied smiling at omar
" I Better get going then " He replied leaving your room
"Bye " you replied waving at him.
the rest of the day you were chilling in your room.  Omar brought you dinner and you ate them.
You were wrapping OG's gifts and watched monster inc After you were Done wrapping.
You were so tempted to meet OG.  But you had to Wait till tomorrow. 
You slowly started falling asleep.

--Next day --
You woke at 8 am.
You called Omar and He brought you mac breakfast.
You ate your breakfast and discussed how you going to surprise OG with omar.
"Okay I Better leave Now.  We have interview. And don't forget about the surprise (y/n)" Omar said leaving
" Yeah I won't.  See you Later " you replied
" you too " He said waving at you.
You killed time by watching movie till it was time time get ready.
You were getting ready to the surprise.
You wore the dress OG bought for your birthday.  You made sure that you Got OG's gifts with you and also your hand bag.  You left your room and went to the lobby.
Omar told you That he had arranged transportation for you.
You went to the registration counter and told her your name.
She then escorted you to the car park. 
The driver opened the car door for you and you Got in. 
The driver drove to the Place whr Omar told you to arrive.

You reached the Place.  And you texted Omar saying you have reached.
He told you to Wait for further information. So you sat on the waiting area.
After 10 mins Omar messaged you asking you to come to 2nd floor.
You took the elevator and went to Where He told you to meet.
Omar was outside a room waiting for you.
He waved at you. And You went towards him.
He handed you cake and lighted up the candles
He held your stuff.
He opened the door for you and you went in.  The room lights were offed and you went in. Omar walked behind you. 
In 3 boys He commanded. '1,2,3!'
And all of you start to sing birthday song for OG.
He was so shocked When noticed your presence. 
"OMG! You came? " He asking rushing towards you.
" Yeah" you replied smiling as tears filled you eyes
"Okay Let's cut the cake first.  Before the candle blow off. " Felix said laughing
Everyone laughed at his comment.
you set the cake on the nearby table. And someone on the lights.
All of yall sang the birthday song Once again. 
"Make a wish before you blow the candles " Kat said
OG closed his eyes. Making a silent wish After that He blew the candle and cut the cake.
You were the first person He feed the cake to.
After you the other boys fed him.
You walked towards OG and pulled him into a warm hug.
"Happy birthday babe" you whispered on his ears and thn kissing his cheeks.
You then gave him ur gift.
"This is the best birthday (y/n). I didn't think you would come so far Just to surprise me " OG said looking at you.
"It was the boys idea. " you replied leaning for a kiss
The boys saw the Both of you kissing and They started to "awww " and whistle.  You and OG pulled away laughing at the boys behavior.
A/N: here it is. Hope Y'all liked it and Thank you for the votes. Request are still open and feel free to leave me a comment or message. Thank you so much

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