Part 1

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I guess all  relationships have bumps, right? I mean me and Cho Chang just broke up I like to think relationships as a road and it has bumps your going forward to my understanding a healthy relationship has about 20-30 bumps and an unhealthy one has about 100-200. Ok ok I know we just started this story Hi I'm Cedric, I'm a hufflepuff at hogwarts well I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me when Harry came up and said "Cedric I saw cho kissing another dude". He seemed so innocent I knew he wasn't lying so I asked him "can you show me" and he took me were I saw Cho Chang with Dean Thomas. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks Harry looked up at me and said "Sorry" I hugged him. and replied "You didn't do anything". I thought Cho loved me I guess not I'm glad harry told me after I broke up with Cho I forced on something else the goblet of fire I planned me and Harry would win together.

Hedric {boys can love boys 🏳️🌈}Where stories live. Discover now