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I woke up feeling sick, and not the regular kind of sick, I felt sick of what was going on in my life.

I had never awaken in my house and felt peace, there had to have been someone shouting or someone fighting all the time. Sometimes I wished that I would have just gone to bed and never wake again, because I knew what was in store for me the moment, I opened my eyes.

"Selena come here this instant!!!" my mom exclaimed. I hesitated but eventually, I went downstairs, feeling half dead. "Why aren't you dressed!?" she shouted.

"I literally just woke up," I said, while rolling my eyes in my mind, because if my mom saw me do that, I wouldn't be telling this story right now... My mom then started to argue with my dad again, forgetting why she had called me initially, so I decided to make breakfast, since I was already downstairs.

After I finished eating, I went back upstairs in a hurry, because I could not bear what was going on: my mom and dad were fighting and this time even louder than usual. Every morning I woke up, there was either some kind of fight going on or everything felt tense or awkward. When I got back in my room I started rushing to get dressed, because I wanted to get out of that house as soon as possible. It was a good thing I was an only child, because I had the bathroom all to my self, but never mind that I was on a mission and it was to get the hell out that house.

I finally got out but I wasn't free as yet, my mom drove me to school, so I knew I was in for a long lecture about how awful my father was and how I am never to marry anyone that wasn't given to me by God. My family were Christians, so I wasn't surprised when my mom told me that.

When I arrived at school my mom gave me a huge hug and kissed me all over my face. My mom and dad may argue a lot, but they never let that get in the way of taking care of me, and I loved them for that, but I wish they would stop fighting and love each other the same way they love me.

"Serena wait up," said Krissy, I started to walk faster but somehow Krissy caught up. "Hey Krissy" I said, feeling so annoyed.

"Why were you in such a hurry Serena?" she asked.

"First of all Krissy, its SELENA, not Serena and I was just trying to get to class, before the bell rang" I exclaimed. Before Krissy could say anything else to me, I ran, pretending that someone had just summoned me. I was so relieved that I had actually gotten rid of her this time.

Krissy was an annoying person and I am not a mean person, so I don't usually say these things about people, but she literally doesn't know what personal space and privacy mean. She only pretended to be friendly with everyone just to get in on their secrets, so she could spread it like wild fire, and I will never trust her after what she did to me in the 7th grade.

I was finally at class, but I realized that something was off about everyone: they all were looking at me strangely, but I didn't really think of it as anything, so I got to my seat and started to take my books out of my bag, but then someone came up to me and asked "is it true?"

"What do you mean?" I replied. Then she ran to her seat, because the teacher was coming. I was confused, so I passed a note to my friend, Amanda, asking her what was going on, because at this point, I started to freak out, because of all the stares I was getting from everyone, even my teacher. When I got back the note, I didn't waste any time opening it. What I read left me in shock to the point where I almost fainted.

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