Chapter Seventy: Dark Sisters

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As the allied army proceeded through the tall grasses, it was necessary to cover more territory. As a result, communication was accomplished only through a small force of mounted lieutenants.

This arrangement brought Donovan, Maska, Brenna, and Morgan to their current problem. A lieutenant delivering orders to the furthest division had ridden in and informed Donovan and Maska that everyone was dead.

Donovan, Maska, Brenna, and Morgan were at a complete loss to explain the Division's failure. It had been four hours since the force had last reported in; from all appearances, their deaths had been sudden. Commander Terri Hanovan and a number of his officers lay within a large patch of charred ground, with the bodies of their horses.

Some battle standards and flags fluttered in a breeze, those not broken, burnt, or laying on the ground, that is. Everywhere that Morgan and the others looked, the results were the same; every soldier in the vicinity was dead.

"They died so quickly that they had no time to request reinforcements," Donovan said in anguish. Four mounted soldiers lay a short distance away that appeared to be attempting to do just that when they died with their horses. Their bodies were burnt beyond recognition, as were their horses.

As reinforcements reported to Donovan and Maska, the reports were all the same. Dead soldiers lay around them, with no enemy among them; whoever killed them was deadly efficient and fast.

"Dark power has heavily impacted the area and trees; traces of it still lingers in the area. Whatever happened here was intense, and I have not yet met whatever wielded that power. We are facing a foe that has lain unseen, until now, it struck when we least expected it," Brenna said as she studied the site of the massacre.

Morgan finished examining the bodies of several soldiers and turned to face Donovan and Maska. "Everyone that I have examined has no outward physical signs of what killed them. They did not die from a weapon of any sort, as far as I can tell."

"Dark sorcery killed everyone on this battlefield; there are burns and incinerated bodies. Whatever killed these men and women struck before they could defend themselves. Several weapons show signs of high heat and melting, as do several pieces of armor," Brenna said as she finished inspecting several men-at-arms.

"You're saying that all of these men and women died because of dark power? That presents us with a thorny problem; how do we defend against such a threat?" Donovan asked Brenna pointedly.

"I recommend a shorter length of time between messages; it will keep us in near-constant communication with our sources. Also, send at least two mages with every division; to request reinforcements if needed; because those here did not have a quick way to signal for help," Brenna commented at length as she looked over the ravaged soldiers and horses.

Donovan summoned a lieutenant over with a wave of his hand. "I want hourly reports from every division; every division is to contain at least two mages. Tell every division commander to prepare for imminent attack; every crossbow and arbalester should be cocked and ready to fire. All the Ayuni and Dreena SDU are to maintain constant roving patrols about the divisions; tell them they are to expect an attack at any time and make camp," Donovan ordered, as he once more mounted thunder and led them back to their original position under threatening dark clouds.

Morgan did not like the looks of the sky; the angry-looking clouds gave her a sense of uneasiness. High up in the dark clouds, dark purple lightning and brilliant white were in a state of constant turmoil.

Then, the storm was upon them as the winds reached epic proportions. As the heavy winds battered their staggering forms,  the enemy swarmed over them, attempting to dominate the division.

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