Chapter Fifthteen: Encounters

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They had been marching for two weeks, underneath a sun-drenched  sky. Changa had finally recovered enough to march beside them, his ordeal for the time being had ceased. Four scouts raced up, to Donovan and Maska, Brenna pulled in her reins, to hear what they had to report.

"Brenna, we have a large enemy army that is waiting for us to arrive, a day's ride from us. This appears to be larger than the army we faced in the last battle," Donovan said.

"We need to camp for the day, I want the men well-rested for the battle. We will also have to make plans, and prepare," Maska elaborated.

Two hours later, and the men were driving in the last of the tent stakes. Bon-fires began to wink into existence, bringing a sense of normalcy into their lives. So far, they were no closer to finding their spy.

Brenna found it hard to concentrate on searching for probable suspects. Whoever it was, they were careful to not use any dark power in her vicinity. Carefully, she analyzed those surrounding her, feeling stangely at a loss for what was expected of her.

Brenna wanted to be home, in the forest, but knew this was an impossibility, the forest had been burnt to ash. '"Before, this is over, many will die, that others may live."' her mother had told her.

The men were already blowing off steam by gathering around the fire pits, playing cards, and participating in axe throwing competitions. Today, they were relaxing, tomorrow they would fight the dark forces of Bemenah.

Smith's, were busy sharpening swords, hand axes, battle-axes,  spears, and were repairing armour, preparing for the job at hand. Needless to say, they were quite busy, a sharp weapon required less effort to operate, and ensured more kills.

Brenna, turned into a henna hawk, and soared above their army, searching for the tell-tale signs of dark power.
At the far side of their army, she found the last lingering signs of dark power, her foe had  vacated the area. The area, had been where they penned the horses.

She change back into her human form, at her tent, and walked toward the horses. She had informed Donovan of what she had found, and he had sent additional men, to inspect their horses. With the battle tomorrow, they could ill afford someone messing with their mountes. The Dawn-Breaker Mounted Brigade carefully inspected their mounts. They poured out the horses feed and water, fearing that it had been poisoned. Fresh water and feed was given in its place.

Inspections were made of their bridles, reins, breast straps, and of their saddles; The inspections revealed no signs of being tampered with. In the end, the men were satisfied that they had checked everything.

Brenna walked over to the command tent, to hear what their  battle-plan was. Already gathered there was Changa, Maska, Aeteh, Donovan, Sir Alfred, Prince Everin, Celete, and Zafoo. 

"Tomorrow, as you have no doubt heard, we are facing a large battle. The enemy is waiting for us to arrive, in larger numbers than we faced in the last battle. To that end, we are going to change our tactics somewhat, we are going to split-up our brigade into three parts," Donovan explained in detail. "Half of the bride we will task, with a straight forward charge. The remaining two sections of the brigade, are to swing in on the enemies' left flank, and on their right."

"A brigade of men-at-arms and heavily armored axemen are to continue the fight into the enemies' ranks. Zafoo and Celete we are depending on your speed. When we shatter and tie-up their front line, sweep in to attack their archers," Donovan continued. "A brigade of archers, crossbow men, and . arbalesters will have our backs, they will be protected by our pikemen. Our archers will provide two vollies prior to the initial charge, that will be the  sign to charge."

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