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March 11th, 2006 - Saturday

Grace Miller woke up late that Saturday what was very unusual for her, but after spending more than 24 hours in and out of airports, she felt that she could afford sleeping in.

Waking up in a weird location felt weird, but soon she realized she was in her own bedroom and relaxed.

Sticking her hand out of the covers, she reached for her phone on the bed side table. It was past noon and Grace figured the day would be pretty much useless.

Growling, she stood up and headed straight for her windows. It all looked the same, but the girl had a strange presentiment that something big was about to happen.


"Mr. Miller," a voice echoed through the house as the family sat together eating popcorn while watching a Disney movie – traditions die hard. "Uncle Walty!" the voice sang and the two women in the room looked at each other giggling, as Walter sighed.

They all knew what was about to happen.

"I did not miss this!" Grace's dad said when a smiley Jess Cameron irrupted in the living room.

"Oh, c'mon, Walty! You adore me," Jessie laughed.

"Yes, I do," Walter Miller never had problems exposing his feelings. "What I don't appreciate is you coming here and stealing my daughter from me." He stated pulling his little girl into his arms and squeezing her. "C'mon, Jess. I've only just got her back."

"Sorry, Mr. Miller. You know the drill," Jess said pulling the ginger girl to her feet.

Grace's dad looked outraged at her when she started to head to the front door, "So that's how it's going to be? Okay. I feel betrayed."

"Sorry, dad," she didn't look one bit sorry. "But I don't want to face the wrath of the beast." She reached for her denim jacket in the coat rack, but Jess stopped her shoving Lis's raincoat in her arms. The girl looked at her mom asking for permission and the older woman just nodded smiling at the teen.

"You're more scared of that 15-year-old than of your own father?" he looked at his wife. "Do you see that honey?"

"Quit whining, dear. She misses her friend. That's all." The older women patted her husband's hand.

"I got no respect in this house," he said. "You're grounded. No Jess for a month," he joked, but the girls were long gone by then.


Grace let herself be dragged by her friend for about 5 minutes before asking what they were doing.

"I'm gonna use you," was all she said.

"For what, may I ask?" Grace didn't look so bothered. She knew the friend she had.

"Trying to get Jared to talk to me," she sounded mad just like the day before. "Since he started to hang with those dudes, he refuses to talk to me. That little bugger."

"Kay... where is he?" Grace asked because honestly, she was starting to feel tired. Damn short legs.

"Sam and Emily's house," Jess walked fast causing the shorter girl to be almost running.

Grace didn't know where that was, but she decided that knowing was way worse – the house might be at the other side of the Res for all she knew.

Instead she just focused in not tripping over her own feet and taking in the scenario she had missed so much.

She was familiar with everything about this place. She knew every single face, every small store and most of the trails.

It was her home and now, she knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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