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Quil Ateara IV had the afternoon shift patrolling that Wednesday, so after school he went straight to Sam and Emily's little cottage near the woods.

In other times, their whole schedule was made to make sure that those of them who still were attending school never had shifts on school hours – that meant, Sam, being the only one out of High School, was always out in the mornings.

Due to recent events, that had to be changed. After all, there was a crazy red headed bloodsucking vampire running around in tribe's land. So, now they had a schedule that said who got to miss class for the day.

"Hey Emily," the boy greeted kissing the woman, who they all grown to think as some sort of a mother figure, on the cheek. "Sam," he said to his alpha who just nodded back from his spot on the kitchen table.

"How was school today?" Emily inquired while giving him a sandwich which he gladly accepted. She had mad cooking skills and Quil was never one to say no to food, much less after the whole werewolf thing, the boy thought to himself.

"Cool. My biology teacher said that my paper on Wolf Communication was the best she's seen in a very long time. Go figure." They all chuckled with the inside joke. "Anyways, is Paul patrolling now, Sam?"

The older guy thought about it for a few seconds, "Uhm, no. He had the morning shift today. Why? You're hiding something from him?" Sam asked with a sly grin.

"No!" Quil was quick to answer. "It's not a secret no one likes to be inside his head these days" he added trying to not sound suspicious. "So, I'm gonna get going. Bye guys".

Heading to the woods in the back of their house, Quil striped of off his clothes and shoved them inside the small bag before tying it to his ankle and then phasing.

Because of how their minds were connected when in wolf form, Quil had learn to expect anything, but he wasn't ready for the feeling of sorrow and self-hatred that overwhelmed his being.

At that point, even if images of Grace Miller hadn't filled his mind, he would have known that despite of what Sam told him, Paul was still in his wolf form and the images of the girl were enough to trigger a memory that the Ateara boy had of her; one that he desperately wanted to hide from Paul.


AUTHORS NOTE: I'm not sure if this can even be considered a prologue, but it was the first thing I wrote and what made this story and it's characters come together.

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