Chapter 13

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3Rrd POV



"Tssss!" The groans of pain were heard as the trio were heard.

"It seems as you have at least 3 to 4 broken ribs each." The skilled doctor deduced.

Mini time skip

As the three layed in futons next to each other, contemplating what decisions they made to get to this point in time. One asked,

"Wheres Y/n?" The silence was to fucking loud. Y'all want crickes too? The boys then started panicking

By Y/n

"Sir! This is were we treat women! Not men."

"Oh but I am a woman?"

"Sir-" The attendee shouted in a panicked and flustered state as she watched as Y/n's clothes were slowly slipping off.

"There we go you can look see I am a female "The attendee slowly uncovered her eyes, shocked she let out a loud eek.

In short she passed out and another attendee cam in and treated any wounds and gave her clothing.

Time skip

The boys were lying in futons as they satred at the ceiling scared and sad not knowing where Y/n was. Then suddenly the door slid open. (not sure if it has a name).

Revealing Y/n in all her glory.

"M/n! There you are my minion!" (M = mispronounced and name, so mispronounced name)

"Yes! It is I the wonderful, amazing Y/n!"

"ACK- B-BOOBS- YOU HAVE BOOBS!" The yellow blobfish stuttered.
"YEAH YEAH, WHY DO YOU HAVE BOB'S!" Inosuke was then slapped by Tanjiro, as was Zenitsu.

"Y/n you're a girl?" Tanjiro asked politely.

"Yes, yes I am. "

Time skip because I'm lazy

After explaining what "bob's" are and that she was a girl and was just dressed lile a boy Y/n then brought in a fourth futon and placed it next to Tanjiro's.


"Yes Zenitsu?"

"Why are you traveling with a demon?" As he said this Inosuke huffed in frustration.

Tanjiro then got out of his futon muttering some grunts as he moved twards the box, as he slowly opened it. Zenitsu lost his shit and started screeching and screaming leaning twards the wall as he tried to get more distance.

But then, best girl AKA cute Nezuko came crawling out of the box. Silence, even with Zenitsu's level of hearing you couldn't even hear a breath, well except for Inosuke's snoring because he was already asleep.

Zenitsu then took out his sword as he threatened Tanjiro, while he was threatening Tanjiro and attempting to harm him Y/n was playing a game with Nezuko. She was hugging her and than squeezing he face cheeks. Squealing as she did so. (I put face cheeks because sum of y'all are dirty minded af.)

Tanjiro then explained how Nezuko was his little sister, one he explained everything Zenitsu stopped trying to harm and and instead verbaly please him so that he could get a chance to get close to Nezuko. (I will say it again sum of y'all are so dirty minded so I put "verbally")

Then Zenitsu proceeded to chase Nezuko/Y/n because Y/n was holding her/ and Tanjiro across the room in circles.

Then later Y/n, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu fell asleep. A couple hours passed as the sun rose and took the liberty of protecting the people from Demons as it did so.

"HEAD TO NATAGUMO MOUNTAIN, DEMON SLAYERS NEED BACK UP!" Idk exactly what the crow said bear with me here.

A kusagi(?) crow screeched awakening the Demon Slayers/along qith Y/n and giving them their new mission. They ate breakfast and heading out.

Nezuko will not be aged up unless you guys want her to be of course. I personally see her as a cute child well now demon child though.

Also because of the last episode they think that Y/n is a demon slayer too so that's why they are bringing her with.

This was not reviewed.

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